I am loosing my hair really bad. Every morning when I shower and shampoo the hair is everywhere. I keep joking with my friends will you still love me when I am bald and thin. But just may not be a joke. I am taking all of my supplements and also taking Hair and nail hairdresser says once my body stabilizes I will be fine but I don't know. I have always had thick hair and now you can see my scalp very easily.
I'm right there with you Donna. My hair has been coming out by the handful for well over a month now. I have to clean out the drain every couple of days, and thats with being careful about what goes down there! I have to vacuum every day from what falls out around the house and use the cats lint brush to remove my hair from my cloths before going to work. It's a bit worrisome at times, but everyone assures me it's normal and will stop as abruptly as it started...eventually. Just keep doing what your doing, eat well and take your vitamins. Just remember you're not alone.
Hi Donna!
I'm right there with you too! I also had very thick hair to start with and I did everything possible, before my surgery I started using Nixon Hair Treatment which my hairdressor said would help with this. I also take Biotin and Zinc, also get my protein in everyday, usually at least 80 mg a day. I take all my vitamins faithfully. Nothing has helped. My hairdressor says not to worry it will stop. All I say is "WHEN"??? He tries to humor me by doing different hair styles that I'm unable to do with such thick hair. With the exception of seeing my scalp in the front,(which I can hide if I work at it), I like how it looks, light and feathery! I wash my hair once a week and I have to unclog the drain with my hair about three times during the washing. It's a lot of hair loss.Only plus, is it doesn't take him that long to do the highlights where as before it used to take him 45 min.
Good luck to you and I've heard it usually slows down after about 3 months of thinning. I've got about another month to go.
Jane -70lb s
OK add me to the list . It began about a month ago . I have or had really thick hair .. coming out by the lump fulls . It is not noticable unless I wear black LOL ..
It will stop .. I have been thru this before with other surgeries .. most is from the anesestia believe it or not .. some is from our bodies shock value .. It will stop .. I just hope it stops before it becomes noticable ..
Have a great day .
I have been shedding like a maniac for about 5 weeks now. I've never had "clumps" of hair come out, but I lose much more than I used to during my morning shower. Another thing I've noticed is that the texture of my hair has drastically changed. I always had very thick, very straight hair. Thick in that I had a lot of hair AND that my individual hair shafts were very thick and strong. Now, my hair is slightly wavy/curly and the individual hair shafts seem much more fragile and thin. Typically, I've always worn my hair very short (like in my picture, which was taken in July). Now, though, I've been letting it grow out to keep some volume. I'm afraid of what it would look like if I got it chopped short again.
I've had several people say that the loss is due more from the surgery (anesthesia, shock to the body) than the lack of protein. Anybody have an idea of how long the hair loss lasts? I want my old hair back!

I am finding my hair everywhere these days, except for on my head, where it belongs. I was cleaning the bathroom yesterday and noticed a bunch of it above my head on the wall, from my blow drying my hair. Apparently, all the additives I use now to acheive volume, cause the hair to blow off my head and attach to the wall. There was a whole bunch of it there.
I cannot wait until all of this stops. I don't like having my pink scalp shinning through.
You sound like you have a really good sense of humor Kathy. A friend told me over the weekend to go to the health food store and buy a bottle of "rosemary oil" and to put a drop in with your shampoo and is suppose to help stop the hair loss and promote new growth. So needless to say that will be one of my things to do this week can't hurt!