-50 & COUNTING!!
My 3month check up with Dr. Burry on Thursday was fantastic! For the first time in many years, my cholesterol & tryglicerides were withing normal ranges. And that is with NO medication! Although the doctor's scales read 46lbs down, mine at home read -50lbs. Today, even more! To reward myself for losing 50 which was my second goal, I bought a new ring. When I reached my first goal (to get to 200), I got new earrings. Nothing like the OLD me who would have bought doughnuts or a cake to celebrate!! I scored very well on the exercise tests and the dietician liked my log keeping. Have cleared my closets of some clothes that just got too big really fast. If I don't donate them all to charities or have a garage sale, maybe our local LivLite office will want to have a swap meeting sometime. Just wanted to share my good news with everyone!! LivLite is having an Informational Seminar on 8/17 that I plan to attend and give the program positive support. Thank you LivLite and thank you Dr. Burry!! Love, Linda Conover