It's official: GB update.
Sorry to hear you're headed under the knife again. I'm relieved to hear that it was not anything unexpected, though. Maybe the stones will turn out to be diamonds? Well, okay, so I'm delusional, but I'm a hopeful deluded person.
Ya want me to write some hate mail to your surgeon, *****jected your plea to take the thing out to begin with? *evil grin*
It takes more strength than I've got to avoid pimpin. I give in every time. LOL I have slowed down though. I only look once a day!
Thanks for the prayers, sweet thing. I'm not at all worried about saying goodbye to my GB. I'm just relieved to know for sure and to have a plan to get rid of it!
Cheryl, you will be in my prayers hun. Oh, and as I tell Mel dear, stay away from the scale, LOL they are EVIL!!! My hubby took care of mine for me, LOL I have made a promise, to not weigh myself till Mel has her next Dr appt. It is so hard, but will be worth it in the long run, if not, there will be one big upset depressed person here, well two if the scale isn't nice to Mel either. I know it will be though. Take care hun, and keep us posted- Melissa
Cheryl it does seem a bit odd to me that you have to get this done so soon. From Susan's post it seems like this should have been taken care of during WLS?
Did the doctor give you any reason why he didn't do it then?
I know getting gallstones post-op isn't uncommon but was your GB clear before surgery to begin with?
Anyway, what's done is done. Good luck with your surgery!
John, thanks for the good luck wishes. I actually had no symptoms at all pre-op. My surgeon and I discussed having the GB out prophylactically with my RNY, but it adds to the technical difficulty for a lap procedure, increases risk slightly, and my insurance wouldn't pay for it without symptoms, etc. I agreed with him at that time that we would leave the GB alone.
I started having symptoms around post-op week 4, but was in denial for a while. I didn't actually believe I had stones until last Friday's attack. Then I knew what was going on. I have a couple of friends who started their symptoms around week 4 also.
I'm pretty OK with this now that I've gotten used to the idea.
Hi Cheryl,
Add me to the list for earrings if it does turn out to be diamonds in there!!! My thoughts and prayers are with ya girl and I hope that the surgery is quick, painless & successful!!! I know once you get those stones out that things will get back to "normal"... although... for us these days... what is normal???
The 30th is still a ways away... but be patient... and remember... Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of it's strength! So... try to relax... and get yourself strong so that you can heal fast...
Keep us posted... You are in my prayers!!