I did it!!!!!!
Well guys I did it!! a big no no I eat cheetos and now sicker than a dog I am only 6 weeks and 3 days out and already cheating you just don't know the way I feel like a big well I can't say it on here why did I do this to my self ? I guess I will never get rid of the food it is the smell or sight or thought food is the I can say I have lost 35 pounds but now I feel worthless because I eating the things that I am not suppost to be eating shame shame on me please tell me I am not the only one
Dear Francis,
I have struggled so much today and I've failed .I was good until today.I just am glad that tomorrow is another day.I ate part of a roll and did not follow the no grazing rule. I think my hormones from PMS may have contributed to my downfall. Tomorrow will be better for both of us.Log on and post tomorrow nite with better news and I will too. Good luck. Mary
OK, so you fell off the wagon. That doesn't make you the worst person to ever live. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and next time you get tempted, remind yourself how bad this felt.
I know how hard it is. I'm struggling too. I just looked at what I've been eating and I'm consuming way too much fat. It's a learning curve for us all. But, the important thing is, we get to start fresh in the morning.