Hi Claudia,
Thanks you so much for sending me a message. Yes the counting down seem to be the hardest part of all of this lol! Today is 10 days and counting for me. I have been there three time now. This is my third time at counting down to surgery I am praying I will make it this time. My best wishes for your surgery and may it be uneventful also.
Hey Ruth,
I'm right there with you - I'm scheduled for the 19th & I can't wait. I have very little in my closet that I can even get into, but I refuse to by anything until I'm much smaller & the road to that is right around the corner. (OK - here is where I would insert an ecstatic happy dancing smiley man if I knew how to do that!) Also, I would love to chat with you if you can direct me through that - I'm very new to all of this message/chatting stuff.
Best wishes,
Hello Karen,
Thank you so much for sending me a message. I am like you I am not buying any clothes till I have too. Good luck on your surgery and I will certainly keep you in my prayers on the 19th. I would also love to chat with you. We will have to see if we can work out something. I doubt it will be to hard just click on chat room and then we chat we just need to set of time when we both can be there. Would love to chat with some one who going through a lot of the feelings I am having now as I wait for surgery. So I certainly look forward to chatting with you soon.
Best Wishes