Okay, so what is everyone taking to the hospital?

I made a list so that I will not miss anything. Here it goes.
lip balm, saftey pins, small fan, slippers, robe, small pillow (for the ride home), a book, the gastric surgery book, walkman, notebook with pen, extra under garments (bra, panties, socks), phone card, my PDA, deoderant, shampoo, lotion, body spray, toothbrush, toothpaste.
Going to wear my loose fitting clothes there for the wear home.
Hi Monica, I've packed a short robe,three nightgowns(I don't like the hosp.gowns!) four pair of panties, slippers, brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, lip smoother,shampoo, conditioner,gel,lotion(all of these are travel sized in a small bag,I got it at walmart) Oh I almost forgot tampons and pads!!! I'm going to wear the clothes home that I wear TO the hosp.,but without the bra!!!! Oh yeah,and my pillow,pen/paper, phone numbers of people that my Mom and hubbie are going to call after surgery a book and my camara!!! I don't think I left anything out except for the kitchen sink LOL!!!