tomarrow is the day..
I am just a mess. i think my body is falling
it is so funny i feel so calm, not nervous or even scared.
i know that this is what i need to do to live a happy healthier life.
yet my body is saying something aint right!!!
i have had a headache for a week now, my face is broke out all over. yet my face hasn't broke out in years! my bathroom habits are just beyond the norm. i could understand if i was on a liguid diet or i have been doing stuff differently. my doctor didn't require any of that though..
weird huh!!! keep me in yalls prayers and i pray i will be back to say hey
i'm back!!! HUGs lisa
Well Lisa it's only hours before we go in...... I know what you mean about all the changes your body is haveing. I have been surviving on about 4 to 5 hours of sleep for the last week, just can't turn the brain off at night. I am only 13 and a half away from surgery and I'm not sure what to feel.
My hubby and I had a little spat last night he is having issues about me getting thin and leaving him. How nice of him to do this 2 days before surgery.
Today he had been very distant and needless to say I am a little upset that he waited this long to come out with his true feelings. I am so much on my mind right now, don't need this too.
Took my poop juice about 3 hours ago, hear the pipes rattling but not much happening yet, LOL
Good luck to you tomorrow and let me know as soon as you get out how you are feeling and I will do that same.
BIG HUG to you, Chris