May 19th
I am so excited....only 2 weeks away!!!!

I did some of my preop testing today and will finish the rest on May12th. Then I will be cleared and ready for surgery!!!!YEAH!!!!
Anyone else as excited as I am? What are you all doing to prepare yourself, emotionally....physically....diets...ect....let me know I am interested in how this varies from doctor to doctor.
I don't have a lot of pre-surgery requirements....thank goodness.
On the WLS journey together,


Congratuations on your upcoming surgery. My surgery is scheduled for May 11th. Still doing pre-op tests. I've already had dietary consult, psychological counseling, pre-op tests, visit to my doctor. I have ultra sound on gall bladder this Wednesday along with visit to cardiologist. Then Thursday I am scheduled to have an endoscopy. Then I will be finished with all my pre- op preparations.
"Scrapbooking Nut" is what caught my eye. I enjoy scrapbooking although I don't do it as much as I should. I just got back from a scrapbooking weekend in San Diego. Went with four other girlfriends.
Good luck on your surgery.
Hi Tammy
I, too, will be going in on the 19th.
I am doing all pre-ops tomorrow (the 5th). I am also so excited and ready to go.
I have a list what to take so once pre-ops are done then I will get packed. Not taking much just robe, slippers, 2 night shirts, and travel sized toiletries. I was advised to take chapstick and a small fan. Oh yeah and a book .
Oher than that I don't think I need anything else. If I do hubby will bring it later.
Best wishes for a successful surgery and recovery.
Pray for me as I will pray for you.
Claudia Drake