Scared silly..and having second thoughts...
I'm scared to death!! My surgery date is 5-7-04 and I'M SCARED.
I have thought about everything I thought bad could happen, and then I got online and READ about everything bad that could happen!!! HELP ME!?
I know this is the best thing for me....but am I being lazy?...should I try that "one last diet"? My surgeons are knowledgeable (I have 2!!), and very capable at this surgery. This is basically all they do!! I work at the hospital where the surgery is taking place, so I know the support staff. Why am I so scared? Is it because I have type II diabetes, Hypertention, asthma, and irritable bowel syndrome?? Why am I so afraid I'll be put to sleep and never wake up?!! because I know you are closer to death than life under anesthesia? And if I do make it out of surgery....who's to say I won't die from complications days later??? and what will I be able to eat?? and what if I can't eat at all??!!! I've read in some profiles here that some people can't eat a thing!!!
somebody smack me pleeeeese......i'm scared.

Hello Jean,
Not only has your comments helped Cynthia, but it seems as if you were talking directly to me. I am not having second thoughts I'm just nervous. But you have given me much to think about and encouraged me too. Thank you very much. God Bless you too
Jean's words are so true and encouraging . We are Blessed to have her say them to us.
Claudia Drake

Oh My Cynthia,
You are certainly going through what must be the climax of emotions pre-op. I haven't gotten there yet I'm afraid. I too have been very preoccupied with the possibility of death. I'm actually not too worried about anesthesia because I've had several surgeries and had no problem. However, I've been quite worried about complications afterward. I'm 3 hours from my surgeon and live in a rather small town. I'm not really thrilled with the thought of these doctors having to communicate with my doctor if something does go wrong later.
Good Luck with the surgery; I hope you have a speedy recovery. Keep us posted on your success. I'm sure you'll be a big loser in no time.
Hi there, boy howdy, and I thought I was scared! First off, you're not going to die, and if you do then you'll be with Jesus and that will rock. Second, all you really have to be scared of is the post-op pain and they have great drugs for that (as you well know from working there). Third, you are going to feel absolutely great in a couple of weeks (about the same time I feel like **** post op). You are going to be thrilled when your diabetes basically disapears. Imagine a blood sugar of 98 to 125 (that will be too cool). Think about going clothing shopping and for the first time in your life having FUN! Think about walking up stairs without being in pain. In time you are going to beable to eat just about everything you eat now only you won't eat as much and it won't matter anyway because you will feel so good not eating it. You are ok, and you will be better than ok after surgery. And, when you are a week and a half post-op and I'm heading under the knife remember to pray for me. I'll be praying for you.
Best always, Tere
Take it easy hon. Have you looked into the complication figures? They are low. Very low. You will be fine! Take a deep breath and try to let go. I know it's easy for me to say, being pre-op myself. But what's the worst that could happen? If you die, you go to heaven and that doesn't sound to scary to me. But you won't die and by the time I get my op, you'll be back home feeling much better and you will have lost your fist pounds. Hang in there!
Nice to know I am in good company! I have my surgery scheduled in Reno on the 11th of May (only a week away)...I feel the same way so I guess we should just sit back and enjoy the ride - because our lives are going to change and the way we are treated is also, people are going to treat us better in our private lives and at work...boy that is insentive enough for me.....I am tired of being treated as a "freak" I have your attention uha? Let's hold hands...put your hand out (palm up) and know that mine is holding yours during your surgery....and I will do the same - so we know we are not alone...good luck..
You guys are ABSOLUTELY WONDERFULLLLLLLL!!!! Thank each and everyone of you for your loving words of support, I need it so much. I went to my PCP today and seems that the pre-testing went fine and all is a go so far. I voiced my concerns and she calmly reassured me, even said her own sister had the surgery last Friday (same doctors as me) and is doing great......I know this is the best thing for me, I am scared but I also know I'm not alone...and now, I must hold on to my faith and keep trusting in Jehovah.
Thanks for letting me express my feelings...
i am 52 years old and scheduled for surgery 5/13. today i had a chest xray and ekg and my bloodwork and had some time alone to relect on what i've chosen for myself in 10 short days. i realized that i was taking the surgical risk because my quality of life has been diminishing the more the arthritis is taking over. i can't just get down on the floor and sit there comfortably anymore or take a bath without the excruciating pain of having to get onto my knees before getting out of the tub or even walk more than a block or two without my hips feeling like they are going to give way. i realize that the wls isn't going to cure my arthritis but i know that getting some of the excess weight off has to help immensely. whenever i see a heavy person on a "rascal" or some other little personal mobility vehicle i see myself.
as i've posted before, no one will more p'od than me if i don't come out of this healthier but i'm "dead in the water" without it................
god bless us all.