Hi I was told that I would need to have ---->
Flintstones w/iron****il pouch heals then any good multi-vitamin w/iron)
-- 2 a day ( don't take this with the calciulm,wait two hours)
Tums w/calcium ****il calcium pill can be easily swallowed)
--4 a day
Sub-lingual B-12 (liquid drops)
--3 times a week (can be drops or disolving pill under tounge, reg. pills arent' absorbed)
Biotin (for hair)
--3 pills a day
I was able to pick all of the products up at Wal-Mart!!
It's so weird how every surgeon tells you different vitamins to take. It's like they truly don't really know what vitamins you should take. I guess the labs will tell. I was told to take two flintsones vitamins a day. Nothing else until my labs are back post-op. However, I believe I will take calcium citrate because I don't want brittle bones when I'm old. I thought we could absorb calcium cabonate and TUMS??
I know what you mean, it seems like there would be a standard for the vitamins!! The reason you aren't supposed to take the Flintstonew/iron,or any iron pill with or within two hours of your calcium supplement either pill or Tumsw/calcium ,is because the iron binds to the calcium as it is being broken down and it can't not be absorbed at all,so if you do thake them together soon you will have a clacium defeciency!! You may want to take it upon yourself to start taking the Biotin,since many women do have quite excessive hair loss,but it needs to be take at very high doses. It usually is sold in the 15,00mcg. range but it needs to be taken it terms of 1-3 mg. so that is a total of 3 pills everyday,and it should be started before your surgery at least a week. The sub-ling. B-12 will really give your body an extra boost of energy,since it will be in starvation mode for a while ,you may find that you will get tired very easily!! Oh, I almost forgot,I also picked up some Gas-X,for after surgery!! It was a life saver after my last surgery!!! It is hard to work out all of that gas after surgery and it can be very painful!!!These are just suggestions,something for you to consider though not everyone has the same experiences or same needs! Take care and I hope this helps ya out!!

This is what I was told to take:
- Calcium Citrate (1000 mg/day in two doses, as the body can only absorb 500 mg at a time)
- Two childrens or one adult chewable multivitamin
- Chewable Iron (not to be taken within 4 hours of calcium, as it binds to it and neither will absorb)
- Sublingual B-12 (1mg per day)
I hadn't heard about the biotin for hair loss prevention. I was told hair loss was due to either 1) not getting enough protein or 2) the free-flowing estrogen in the body due to rapid weight loss. (Estrogen is stored in fat cells. Rapid weight loss causes the estrogen to flow more readily in the body and cause PMS like symptoms.)
I did some OTC chewable gas meds, as I heard they can be a REAL pain!