Pre-op Appointment Today
Hi Everyone,
Things are moving really fast. I had my pre-op appointment today with Dr. Rawlins. He was just as wonderful as he was the first time. I met Crystal the dietician today and was weighed and measured too. That was not fun. Crystal gave me a sample of a new product that will come out on the market on 4/30/04. It is called Optisource it has the calcium, iron, and B12 all in a chewable tablet. It is a one month supply for $24.99. I tasted one at the office today and it was not bad. Because of the way my body will process things I will have to take these three suppliments daily for the rest of my life. Nice that I have found something that will be easy to take.
I can't believe that I will have surgery in two weeks. Dr. Rawlins explained the risks and benefits again. I got everything settled. I need to meet with the anticoag clinic on Friday and then request the lovneaux for my blood disorder for the following week. Yea!
Other than that things are great! Rockwood Clinic (Dr. Rawlins & Dr. Bright) just started their own support group on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Next one for them is May 20th. They are planning topics to discuss like, nutrician, a clothing swap, and reciepes. It sounds like a good thing. Anyway the other support group on the weekend is mostly Dr. Shrocks patients. Just 16 days to a brand new me! Yeah!