MAY 6th,2004 0830 is my surgery date!! :):)
Hello dear friends,
I am taking my protein shakes and vitamins in preparation for my surgery. I am getting so nervous now because I have gotten my date for surgery. I am also concerned that I will be hurting bad in the hospital and having nausea and vomiting and no one will help me. I had a bad hospital experience there before and this is another much greater surgical procedure. Does anyone have any suggestions besides praying alot? I have read alot of great information from everyone which I appreciate very much.
i am may 4 and on the protein shakes and pre-op diet and i can't get the shakes to mix very well. i've tried mixing with yogurt, juice, and milk but its so gross and chunky. i don't know how to get through these two weeks, i'm starving all the time. i'm not that worried about the hospital, my surgery is outpatient so i'm staying in a hotel because i live three hours away and they don't want me to leave until the next day in case i have a complication. my husband is going with me and he is an EMT, so i got lucky there
Congratulations on your surgery date, Margaret!
I will say a little prayer for you and that you receive excellent service from your hospital provider. I would think if you tell your doctor that you had a bad experience and have a fear of the same treatment, he will let the nurses know to take good care of you. Also, you can always have your husband call the Patient Advocate that works for the hospital. No hospital wants a bad rap from any patient and the Advocate would be the one to file your complaints to. Keep going up from their, director, VP, Pres, etc....
You pay for it and you should demand good, no, great care!
Good Luck! Luanne