Last night my fiance had me in tears. He was getting things off his chest and is basically afraid that I'll die during surgery. I've thought about it but I've always had a good feeling about it and it didn't really seem like it would happen to me. He had read someone else's journal that had said that they wrote out their will... and he thought I should do the same and try to spend time with each of my family members before surgery. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm not backing out. Just remember me on May 11th and keep me in your prayers.... as I will for you all.
I feel the same way, I am scheduled for May 12th, and I am excited, and nervous. My mom keeps talking about how people die, and I read articles on that, but I also hear and read about all the success stories. I am very determined, and have wanted this for a long time, and I will not give up, or loose faith. I know that I will have this surgery, and that it will be successfull. The same with you too, you will be fine, and you will look and feel great soon!
Keep the positive thoughts.

I have had the same type of conversations with my wife. I understand she is scared about the chance (very small chance) I could die during surgery. I have never had anything more than a fleeting thought of something going wrong. I wasn't nervous at all about the endoscopy - being put out and all of that. It was clear my family was much more worried about it than I was.
I have this calm resolve - my surgery will happen on May 4th. It will be a success and there will not be any problems. I don't know why I am so confident and sure of this. I just am. Good luck to you on the 11th.
I feel the same way you do. I have a very calm resolve that I am going to be fine. My surgery is also on the 4th. I have had very little fear if any. If I dwell on the worst case scenerio I'm sure I would get nervous but I just feel like I will have the surgery, recouperate and be on my way to a much better life. I can't wait. My husband was very concerned in the beginning but once he accepted that my mind was made up and I was determined to have the surgery he has accepted it. He even talks now of the things we will be able to do again, once I have lost weight and can walk without being in constant pain. Best of luck on the 4th, my surgery is schedule for 7:30 AM, I'm more worried about getting to the hospital on time.

The next time someone says to you anything about dying just gently tell them any surgery is a risk. From wls to taking appendix out! Let them know that you would never do anything that would be in bad judgement. This is for your health and to help you live a long, wonderful, active life! My wls is on May 5 and i have totally put all my faith in the lord and have not taken it back from him! You take it back and it says i dont trust you. The lord will take you when it's your time and not before. Ever since i gave it to him it has been a load off my chest before then I would just sit in cry thinking about what if!!! Now Its a huge excitement in the cooper household. We sit and talk about all the fun stuff were going to gwt in to... Your in my prayers and thoughts. God bless you on this day and every day. (((HUGS)))) Lisa
Hi Cassie,I will pray for your fiance and you .I also have a May 11th surgery date 
Just let your fiance know you love him and you want to live a long life with him and if the weight stays on it won't happen.It's a fact of life we all have to die....you could get in the car and have an accident and I'm sure he doesn't want you to stop driving.I mean thats just an example,we just have to make the best decisions we can and the Lord gives us that wisdom.I have total peace and I pray the Lord gives you that peace and calmness.I also pray that you will have abundant joy so that you both can talk about your future and plan to have a long happy life
You will be just fine!!!Has he gone to any of your doctor appt?...because maybe if he would talk to your Doc he would have a little more peace about .I will be praying for you...we have the same date we gotta stick together.The time is flying by so fast.Well if you want to email me feel free ok.
God Bless, Angi 

as much as you may not want to face the "worst case scenario," it is a wise time to get your affairs in order. It never is too early to get a will written up and explain the finances to your spouse (if you are the one who handles these things). Just think of it like this, If you were to have complications (and not die), but simply be in the hosp for a long while, what would your family/loved ones need to know to keep your finances in order?
Also the will should be done as well if you have children or financial concerns. My hubby died from leukemia in 98 (in our hearts we were sure he would beat the odds with a 90% cure rate), and I found myself in a very big mess.
If getting your things in order lessens the stress for your loved ones, then just do it for them. They will appreciate your consideration to them, and it is irresponsible to not consider the possibilities. Nobody going into this surgery ever thought they would die, but unfortunately there are complications when you are talking about an already morbidly obese population. Best wishes to you and everyone else (my surgery will be in July, and I will get my affairs in order...just in case).
Hi Cassie!!
I am another member of the May 11 Club. I know how you feel...and I can understand how so many of our loved ones fear our having what amounts (to them at least) voluntary major surgery.
At first, all I heard and read about were the success stories...now it seems that all I am hearing are the worst case scenarios.
As for myself, I leave my life in Almighty Allah's hands! Keep the faith and see you on the road to being a real loser!