Surgery Scheduled 5/14/04 - need an angel
Hello -
My name is Christa and I am very new to how this works.
I have my surgery scheduled and reallly need the help of an angel. I am so excited and nervous
to finally have insurance approval and a date. It has been a very long haul ( began with my insurance 8/03 until recently approved) hope to hear from someone soon. Thank you all - I have read many messages but this is the first time I felt it was approprate to send one.

I want to wish you the best with your upcoming surgery. My surgery is on 5/3/04. I am feeling the same way, very excited and nervous, too. I guess that is very normal. If you would like me to call you to tell you about my experience post-op I would be more than happy to.
take care and keep in touch,
Dina (lake elsinore, CA.)
Hi Christa, I am also having my surgery at Stanford in California on May 14th....we can be surgery sisters!
I have some testing tommorrow and then my pre-op is on May 7th. Then surgery on May 14th and post-op on May 28th.....wew....May will be a very busy month for me. I started the whole process in november 2003, so it has not really taken long to get it all going...but now that its getting so close....I am getting nervous and excited all at the same time.....
There are a lot of what if's running around in my head right now, but I am trying to keep busy so I won't keep going there....
...........Ha........IT'S NOT EASY!
I wish you the best of luck and e-mail me if you want and we can compare notes and stuff......Happy Thoughts!!