My date is May 5th Thank the Lord
Hello everyone,
It took a lot of doing but they gave me a date. It seemed like there was so much to accomplished and when I got it all done, they couldn't find the paperwork from my doctor. She said the papers were sent to the surgeon since the first of April, but no one got them or they didn't know where the papers were. Okay,my doctor faxed the papers again and they finally were received by the surgeon. Then they said the nutritionist didn't send her papers. She re-sent them on the 9th. Okay, after all of that everything went in to the insurance company on the 9th and the surgeon's office called and said "HIP had everything and my date is May 5th. " All I could say was "Thank the Lord". I know this sounds confusing but think how I felt going through it. Now I'm nervous and excited at the same time. I know I'm doing the best thing I can to get back the health and strength that I had once before..Pray for me as I start on my journey.
Claudia Drake NY

WOW! Claudia! May 5th is right around the corner. Don't you just want to run out in the street and scream "I GOT A DATE!"
I am so happy for you that I'm dancin' with you, girl!
The heck with dancing, this calls for a toast!
That's the way I felt when I got my date and no one got excited for me, until I went and posted it on the main page. I don't want anyone else to feel the way I felt that day.
Listen, I wish you the Best of Luck on your surgery and I'll say a little prayer for you.