One Month to Go
May 11th is coming closer. I'm so nervous, but so excited. My pre-ops will start to be scheduled next week. I haven't really had medical tests done on me in so long, that all makes me nervous too.My experiences with doctors over the years has usually been a humiliating experience. Mostly due to insensitive technicians who have no idea how to "deal" with a person of size. My surgeon has assured me that everything is geared toward a larger person. Well I guess I'll find out soon enough.
I am wishing everyone who is about to start this journey all the success and health I wish for myself. May we all come out on the "other side" healthier people with long lives ahead of us.
Hi Stephanie,My surgery is on the same day too!!
I have been having these strange thoughts like,at the last minute something will stop me from going through with it like blood tests ,or the surgeon won't be able to make and I'll have to reschedualed !! I know it's
,my mind has been working over time LOL!! My husband keeps telling me that I shouldnt' have it that it is going to mess me up and make me sick,but I keep telling him oh no nothing is going to happen,when actually in the back of my mind I think what if he is right
. I know this has to be normal,everyone goes through these emotions right. I go for my pre-op on the 29th of this month,only two weeks away OMG,it'sclosing in fast!! I wish you the very best in your journey you will be in my prayers for an uneventfull surgery and a speedy recovery!! May God BLess and Keep You,take care!!
Many ((((hugs))))

Hi Sonya,
I think everything you are going through is perfectly normal. My nerves have so gotten the best of me that my eyebrows have almost completely fallen out. It's happened to me before under stressfull situations and they will grow back. LOL
My husband is very supportive about me having the surgery although he's just nervous about the surgery itself. My life has become so unbearable that he knows this is the right thing for me to do. I can barely get to work anymore for my breathing problems and the pain in my knees and back. I'm just so ready to change my destructive patterns.
May 11th will be the rebirth for both of us. I absolutely want to know how you do. I suppose we won't be able to let each other know for a few days, but whoever gets home first should try to email the other one. I'm hoping 2-3 days in the hospital but you never know. You can email me directly at [email protected]. Please let me know how it goes for you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. And as someone said to me, I'll save a seat for you on the losers bench.
Take care and stay strong.
HI May 11th is my surgery date also. I am not nervous yet. It seems like it won't really happen. I guess I am like the other poster who thinks something will happen to prevent the surgery. I think however that we are all just accustomed to disappointment. We will all be on the losing side soon. God Bless Kristi
Hi,I have a May 11th date too!!!!I'm so excited ,I'm not nervous at all.I'm just trusting in the Lord .My hubby on the other hand is very on edge. My doc has had me on optifast for a month.I am down to 323.5 and when I started I was at 360.My date was suppose to be april 27 since they had to push me back they let me take a break from the optifast until the 19th then I have to start it back up.I go for my gallbladder ultrasound the 15th and then I go again to see the doc and they have me coming in the day before surgery for the final tests...and I have to drink that nasty fleet stuff twice .....but they want you all cleaned out.I started using the walk away the pounds dvd .I didn't relize how out of shape I had gotten.I had to sit down like twice thru the first tape....and it was pretty easy stuff.If you have trouble with your knees or anything they give you this elastic band and you can work out your upper body sitting down.My sister in law had the surgery and it is better to get the intial pain from working out ,out of the way so you don't have surgery pain and the muscle pain all at the same time.Well I have rambled on long enough ....I will be praying for you that you have an uneventful surgery.
God Bless,Angi