sue crenshaw ------ ready and waiting
well, i have my surgery date,
it's may 4 2004 and my pre op is april 30 2004 i'm kinda scared,
and i'm kinda o.k. with it , i am ready to be small agin, for the first time in a long time, : cool : hopefully it will be soon. my husband i think (does'nt ) really want me to have it, but it's my body, and i need it.
i need a angel
sue crenshaw

Hey Sue,
I'm also May 4th, less than a month away. My husband was hesitant at first and kept reminding me this is going to change your life forever. Well YES, I hope it does change my life. Now that he knows I really want this and he understands that I will be able to eat and enjoy food again, just smaller portions, he is behind me 100%. He keeps telling me if I try to cheat afterwards he's going to call the my doctor and tell on me. He thinks he's funny. My only concern is he doesn't like hospitals, unfortunately his mother passed away during surgery many years a go. She had been in a car accident but was not seriously hurt but did need surgery and she died during surgery. It had something to do with the anesthesia. I have thought about this every day since I decided to have the surgery. I'm not letting it stop me though. I have great faith in my doctor. So instead of making him stay with me (he will be there during my surgery) I am enlisting the help of my daughter and 2 sisters to help me out while I am in the hospital. His job will be to take care of me when I get home. He's retired and does all of our grocery shopping. I gave him the list of foods or I should say liquids I can eat the first couple of weeks and he's been out grocery shopping for me. He actually said yesterday, he can't wait till I feel better so we can start doing things together again without my back hurting so bad. So, I think he's ready for me to get it done, get back home, lose weight and go on with our lives and so am I. God Bless you and I will remember you in my thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery and a easy recovery.
hi karen,well i guess we will both be in the same boat may 4 , right? i go for my pre op april 30 . what kind of list did your dr. give you to have? mine has'nt gave me one, yet i'll see him on the 30 of april after my pre op. maybe then he's going to give it to me.what can we have? my daughter said she would help me, my oldest daughter lives in Tampa, Fl. so it would be to far for her to come. i've got two sisters to that i can depend on. is'nt that nice? my husband is not saying much, so... well maybe we can talk agin soon, if not let me know how your surgery goes, please? thanks for talking to me good luck, and gods speed to you,
sue crenshaw