What are you doing?
My date is May 25th! Only 58 more days! Yea for me! 

BUT, this wait is driving me insane!
I know I'm not alone
but I was wondering what you are doing to pass the time. Maybe we can give each other some ideas to help the time fly! I, obviously, have no good solutions because I'm about to pull my hair out!
~ * Alice Ann * ~
Open RNY - 5/25/04
Dr. Ozment - Little Rock, AR

Hello Alice Ann,
My wife and I are expecting our 7th and final child on May 6th and my surgery is scheduled for the 24th. I am not sure which I am most excited about!! In some ways, I look at it as if we are having two births in May, our daughter and ME!! I feel like I am going to be reborn!! I can hardly wait for either event. My journey towards weight loss has been highly motivated by my desire to watch my 7 children grow up and become adults. Having children helps pass the time, yet I am also going nuts waiting!! Just hang in there, the time will be here before you know it!! I ulitilize this websit a lot to give me strength and support. Good luck and our prayers are with you!! Tom

Hi Alice,
Fortunately my surgery date is in the beginning of May (May 4th). I've just got to get through April. I work and have a very busy month ahead. I even have to go out of town for a week, that will blow one week. It's a job related trip but I ususally enjoy it. It's sort of like a mini vacation from my Hubby. I won't have much time to think about surgery until the end of April, then I'll probably freak. I have all of my pre surgery test, one more nutrition class and my final visit with the doctor the last week of April. My advice is to stay busy every day and talk to people you feel comfortable with. Good Luck.
My date is May 3rd!! I hadn't given much thought to this, but I had my niece come over for 2 days and help me spring clean. I have MS and Fibro and severe osteoarthritis in both knees and a hip, so I tend to put off taking things upstairs with me - it is all I can do to get myself up those stairs some days
I guess the old gotta get it done cause I am runnin out of time finally got to me!
~~Together in strength~~