I'm new
I'm new to the boards but have been lurking for a while. I have a surgery date of May 4th at 7:30 AM. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I would love to talk with other people who have surgery schduled about the same time I do. I have family and friends to talk to but I don't think anyone really understands the feelings I have except for people who are about to under go the same surgery. I look forward to meeting you and being able to share my experience as well as others experience as well, in what we are about to do to change our lives for the better.

hi my name is gisell .my surgery date is may 6th. it seems that we all are going to have mixed emotions with the date of the surgery coming up.
I am very worried too, because i have to go back to weight myself to doctor's office on april 6th. i was supposed to loose 15 pounds. you know what? i think i have only loosed around 8 pounds. a really good thing i have learned to eat healthy in the pasts months. i used to think leafy salads were for cows!! and know i am craving it every day for lunch. good uh? well i can't wait for that appointment because i really dont want my surgery date to be changed. i think i am more prepared know that we are closer. my fear has gone away a little bit. i felt better talking to you. hope we can communicate more often. bye . it's two o clock in the morning and i am sleepy know.
Hi Giselle,
It was no nice to hear from you. My doctor has not required me to lose weight before surgery, although I feel like I may have lost some. I've been trying to do a little yard work and take very short walks in the morning. My back hurts so bad though I have to sit down or squat every now and then. My surgery could have been in April but I am so busy at work that I just could not fit anything in. I have told everyone that I'm not scheduling anything for the month of May. It is my month and it's going to be all about me. I do have some what if feelings every now and then. I think we just have to focus on the positive and when those little fears creep in just come to the board and express what we are worried about. That is what I am going to try and do. Well, it's a beautiful day here and I am going to try and go weed some flower beds. Have a great day and please stay in touch.
I've also been a person who lurked around before my first postings last week. I was waiting for my actual date. It's the same as yours, May 4th. I'm having the same feelings as you. I know how you are feeling. I'm so excited about the surgery and the change it's going to make in my life. My wife is also excited, so that's comforting. On the other hand like anybody else surgery is a bit scary. I've decided that I'm going to try as hard as I can to concentrate on the postive stuff. I relaize the risks involved but the risks by not having the surgery far outweigh the surgery risks. Good luck and keep in touch.
Hi Mike,
You are absolutely right about concentrating on the positive side. That's what I am doing. I have total confidence in the surgeon who is performing my surgery. It's just the little what ifs that creep in every now and then. I think this message board will help a lot. I would have had this surgery done in April if I wasn't so busy at work. I have told everyone May is my month and I'm not scheduling anything that's not all about me. I have the first surgery of the day on May 4th at 7:30AM, have to be at the hospital at 5:30. I'm glad my surgery is early, less time to be nervous and I will be able to walk the halls of the hospital all day. Any way have a great day, I live in Forida and it is absolutely beautiful today so I think I will see about weeding some flower beds. Keep in touch and feel free to e-mail anytime.
I feel a lot of the same things you do, but my surgery isn't until May 13th. I also sort of feel like I'm "saying goodbye" to certain foods. Is that weird, or what?
I met with my surgeon's assistant on Friday, she had the surgery 3 years ago and looks great, so she gave me a lot of confidence. She gave me so many tests to get run, I wonder where I will find the time to get it all accomplished. Good luck to you all as you begin the last steps before your surgery!
Hi Kathi,
I know exactly what you mean about saying "goodbye" to certain foods. It's not weird at all. I know it's going to be hard. When I had my Psych exam I talked to the Psychologist about that. She said she would recommed to my doctor that she be able to counsel me 5 - 6 times after surgery. She said she could help me with some behavior modifications. I am going to take her up on that suggestion. If this surgery keeps me from eating certain things I've got to have another outlet for my emotional/stress eating. I keep wondering if I don't eat and have no other outlet for stress if I'll just explode. I don't want to find out. It won't be pretty. Anyway, please keep in touch. I need all the support I can get and I'm available to you if you need someone to talk with.
Hi Karen,
I just found out yesterday that I will have my surgery on May 4 as well. I am so excited and yes I am nervous as well. I have surgery at 10 am that day. I find myself "shopping" for the body I am hoping to have and trying to picture me in it. Looking at clothes that I might like to wear and thinking of the day when I can actually tuck my shirt in----I have NEVER been able to do that. I look at the clothes that I have now and think I will only be wearing them for another month or so! I also have to start getting out and washing up all the smaller clothes I have from previous weight losses and get them sorted by size since I understand that the weight drops quickly and you move from size to size quite fast. Oh to have such problems----I think I can handle it. I hope all goes well for you and that we all unite on the losers bench!
Take Care