on 5/5/08 9:44 am - Traverse City, MI
Hello. I have had 2 babies since my bypass in 2004. Both of them have dealt with failure to thrive. My 2nd is almost 9 wks and has only gained 1lb 3ozs since birth. Well, in my research i found that case reports have shown a tendency of failure to thrive in infants of bypass patients. Is anyone else experiencing this? My B12 WAS 100 which is the EXTREME low end of normal. I recieved an injection today to see if this boosts her weight gain.
on 5/8/08 9:04 am - KY
My baby boy is 6 months old and has no problem gaining weight. He is also doing fomula off and on due to my milk not coming in right. I am taking reglan to produce milk still. There is alot of women on the preggie post op board that nurse and seem to be doing just fine with it. They may beable to answer better than I can. I do take two "dots" of b12 daily. They dissolve in your mouth, I get them at walmart. Tht might help as well.
on 5/28/08 1:41 am - DeBary, FL
Hi, congrats on your babies. Though my babies are healthy, I had a disappointing breastfeeding experience because I never did make very much milk. My twins are 15 months old and I wanted badly to breastfeed them (rented a hospital quality pump, used a lactation consultant, etc.) I never had any discomfort with breastfeeding, my breasts never got really engorged and the lactation consultant said my breasts were really soft and spongy not the typical post partum breasts so I might have lost a great deal of breast tissue with my weight loss. I also used reglan and it seemed to help some but my babies didn't seem to get very much from me. I wound up breastfeeding part time for 4 months; we started supplementing with formula in the hospital because my babies weighed 6lb. 5 oz each at birth but the one I was breastfeeding more (he took to the breast better) lost down to 5 lbs. During my pregnancy I took B12 shots every month. The only regret I have about the way I approached breastfeeding was that I think I was too "ambitious" I planned to pump milk for them after I returned to work and so I focused on using the pump to stimulate my milk production (following the lacatation consultant's advice). Later I found out from my sister that she had never been able to have much of a "letdown" using a pump and she made more milk actually feeding her baby. Next time I will focus on feeding the baby and let the hormones do their job and not worry about pumping. My babies are perfectly healthy according to their doctor but they've always been on the low end of the percentiles in weight and height-like 10% to 20% which concerns me. (Head circumference was on the higher end). Hubby and I are short and small framed though so this might account for the low percentiles. My advice is listen to your pediatrician and try not to worry. Ask for additional labs for your baby such as iron so your doctor can address any potential health risks. Becky post gastric bypass May 2004
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