on 8/17/04 12:09 am - STANLEY, NC
To all those who believe in prayer, please remember me. I have my psych consult today at 11:15 and I'm really worried I will say something wrong. I meet with my surgeon Thursday at 9:20. I am sooooo ready to be a "loser". I enjoy reading all your post and replies. They keep me encouraged and informed on what to expect pre and post-surg.
on 8/17/04 12:18 am - Trinity , NC
We'll pray in agreement that things will work out fine! God Bless, Bobbie Tate
on 4/20/06 8:07 am - Hellertown, PA
Girl I am right there with ya..getting frustrated with myself...I did very good the first year..but its been downhill since then. I hit my lowest of 203 and now i am back up to 235.......HELP!!! Not sure how to get myself outta this one...can't believe I just typed that, yes I have gained some!! Ughh...I need to get this f'ing weight off.....if you all come up with anything, let me know. Maybe I need to go back to protein drinks for a few days..... Thanks for the wake up call!! Leigh Ann
Diminishing Dawn
on 4/20/06 8:24 am - Windsor, Canada
I thought this problem relates to the lack of doctors/surgeons in Ontario? Is there more to it? Stef
on 4/20/06 8:24 am - Hamilton, Canada
There is always more to it. Maybe there isn't enough surgeons for the demand, but I know there is a good group of doctors in Hamilton trying to get permission to start surgeries. All that is needed is the gov'ts ok. Just think if I had my operation in hamilton, 8 other people could have the same operation for what it would cost to go to the US. And everyone would have the comfort of friends and family around instead of staying in a strange city. (The Hamilton doctors are qualified.)
on 4/20/06 8:24 am - Burlington, Canada
Stef, Many Ontario WLS surgeons are lucky to have surgery time enough to do two or three WLS a month. Most US WLS do at least three a week and some as many as 12 a week. The problems in Ontario are partially a lack of priority by OHIP, the hospitals, the hospital administrators, etc. and less money being allocated for the heavy duty beds and the surgery tables needed to set up more hospitals for bariatric surgery and train nurses and orderlies to safely work with MO patients without injuring themselves. Don't hold your breath waiting for WLS in Ontario to grow at the rate it is growing in the US and overseas. Some day Ontario may come out of the dark ages, but there is no evidence that this will happen any time soon. Since 2004, two Ontario WLS surgeons have gone into retirement and only two new surgeons have been trained (Dr. Hagen and Dr. Starr). These are not comforting statistics when there are reportedly 160,000 MO Ontario citizens. David Duodenal Switch June 22, 2005 Dr. Marek Lutrzykowski Bloomfield Hills (Detroit) Michigan 399/229/?
on 4/20/06 8:24 am - Barrie, Canada
Makes sense to me to fight the system. Seems absurd the way OHIP justifies the spending-or do they? Maybe we need more Doctors in Ontario. Just a thought. Take Care.
on 4/20/06 8:24 am - London, Canada
I agree completely and will send another email. I have already written one letter. I am personally having my surgery in Michigan sice I feel that waiting will jeopardize my health. We had an excellent physician here in London until a couple of years ago when they pulled his funding. He was so upset that he retired! This is not due to a shortage of doctors, it is how they are choosing to spend our tax dollars! Lori
on 4/20/06 8:24 am - Hamilton, Canada
You shouldn't jeopardize your health - I am lookin at going to Michigan also, there is only so long you can wait. But we shouldn't turn our back on the rest of the Obesity sufferers. It's taken me three years to learn that wls is successful. I've heard all the horror stories. It was a plastic surgeon in TO that told me about wls and sent me in the right direction. But wouldn't it be great that up the road others wouldn't have to go through what we have to. Their family doctors would be able to understand obesity and help them sooner. Before i met with the plastic surgeon my family doctor kept teling me I was just fat and lazy (those were his actual words). My new family doctor booked me an appointment with Dr. Sharma and it's amazing how I've improved. I may be fat, but I am definetely not lazy. All the best with your surgery.
Karen G
on 4/20/06 8:24 am - Brampton, Canada
Your WLS price estimates for US procedures is over-estimated. Some surgeons do charge an arm and a leg. One Boston doctor demands nearly $50,000 US per patient. A returning patient to any US doctor, if being treated for complications such as stoma stretches, will exceed $45,000 when their totals are done up. However, this is the minority of cases. Barix and Liv Life clinics are charging $23,000 US per patient. Dr. O'Malley in Rochester did my procedure and his invoice was only $13,000 US, which is by far a more reasonable cost. His rate has increased, but it is still below $20,000 US. So, I don't believe the average is anywhere near $45,000 US per patient. I'd be willing to guess that it is closer to $28,000 US, even when you factor in the additional costs incurred by some patient's return visits for complications. OHIP has the information to provide the actual numbers, but they don't, which leads me to believe that the number may even be lower than what we estimate. If you go to the Ministry of Health website and search on "addictions"... food addictions are not even listed. The government does not recognize food addictions as a medical problem requiring treatment. Until they start to label food addictions for what they truly are and begin to offer treatment in that area, they won't expand the funding for the surgeries. They need to recognize the causes, before they fund treating the symptoms. I am constantly reminding them, via emails to the Minister and my parliamentary representatives that this whole attitude needs to change. Food addictions are real ! If I want help to quit smoking, drinking or gambling... funds and programs exist... but there is nothing to help with food addictions. That's my RANT and RAVE. Let's hound them to recognize food addictions and morbid obesity as diseases requiring immediate medical attention. Karen G
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