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Topic: RE: Hello all WLS people of M...
Hi Gene,
I haven't been on the website for awhile and thought I'd check in on everyone! saw your e-mail and thought I'd join in on the weight loss. Everyone seems to have done soooooooooo good!!! I am very proud of all of you. I have NOT done as good as y'all!! but I did lose 75 lbs. I had my surgery on 5/28/03(weighted in at 287) and as of today 1/06/05 I weigh 212. I know I should have lost more, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong that I seem to have come to a stop on losing any weight. I haven't lost any for about 5-6 months. if anyone has any suggestions PLEASE feel free to let me know, I'll be more than glad to take any advice!! Again , I'm very proud of all of you, we've all come a long way!! God bless us all. candi R.
I too have been sooooooooooooo mad at myself for not being able to lose ANY more weight!! I am at a stand still. I was glad to know that I am not the only one having this problem! not that I'm glad anyone else is having this problem, but I thought for the longest that it was just me!
I know that, that is not helping your problem, all I can say is, I guess we just need to star****ching what we put in our mouth(easier said than done,I know)but you're right,we went through alot (surgery) to stop now. Good luck and let's see if together we can do something about our weight! thanks, candi R.
I am thinking this pain has to be connected to my menstrual cycle in some fashion OR I'm going nuts. One of the two.
I did contact my surgeon's office and we did all the tests - the upper GI, exrays, etc. Nothing appears to be wrong with the 'plumbing' of the surgery.
However, the day that I went to the dr. I started 'spotting' - and with that 'spotting' it seemed the stomach problem, while still there and very real - subsided some. Then for a few days I had NO spotting or anything and the pain was there again. THEN finally a full fledged period started and the pain in my stomach went away. I seem to be seeing some type of pattern, I think - in that the week prior to my cycle I have this pain.
I don't GET IT. ONE bite of food sends me into spasms of pain. ONE sip of water does the same. The pain wakes me up in the night even when I am NOT eating anything for HOURS. But it all seems to be 'gone' or diminishes greatly upon the appearance of the monthly 'visitor'.
What the dr. said we should do - (his eyebrows raised high when I mentioned there could be a connection to the menstrual cycle) is that I need to record/document/DIARY (yuck) the pain and such for 3 months. If it does indeed appear that there is a connection, we'll pursue looking into the 'menopausal' thing. (I am going to be 50 in January.)
He also said that in any type of surgery - WLS or any type that interferes with the bowel/intestine - there are THREE places that a kink can occur. When they do the RNY surgery they automatically secure two of the three places so they don't kink. However with the 3rd place, there is only a 6% chance of it kinking. There is more danger in them working with that 'potential kink' than if they take the 6% chance. What can happen, if I understood him correctly, is that in this area if they mess with that - it can interupt the blood supply to the 'tiny tummy' and make it die. NOT a good thing! So that is why they take the chance.
He thought perhaps I have a periodic kink - and if that is what we determine, they CAN do a little lap surgery that would secure that as well. He said IF the pain came back - I should probably STOP eating while that is happening. (Makes good sense, but STOPPING FOOD is one of my big problems, right???? *smile*)
That is what happened - I'm enjoying a couple weeks now of no pain and eating and drinking farely normally now.
Hi Allee,
I have been having a similar recurrent abdominal pain since August. So far I've had CT scan's IVP's, and ureterscopy...thinking it was kidney related. All negative. Wednesday I go for a colonoscopy...and if that is normal..they plan on doing a lap. to look around inside. The pain is very intense & severe. Feeling like something gets blocked ..with gas backing up. I hope you can find out what your pain is from. Good luck!
Lisa Hopkins
RNY Open 5-13-2003
Topic: RE: I'm in Onederland
Congratulations, Grace!!!
You must be euphoric. I just had my surgery on November 2, 2004, and have lost 28 pounds so far. I weighed 378 when I started, so I obviously have quite a bit to go, but I have started. I have always been heavy, and "morbidly obese" for the last 25 years. I wish you all the luck in the world in achieving your goal, and I plan to follow you in achieving mine! Take care.

Topic: RE: One year out, need food intake info and encouragement...
Hi Mary -- I too had my RNY 5/03/03. I did not lose all of my weight but I am within 20 lbs. of my desired weight. I have to fight the battle with eating properly too since all the "bad stuff" goes down too. Are you taking your vitamins like you should? I take 2 chewable Flintstone vitamins in the a.m. AND in the p.m. I think our body has a "set point" and, since we can never turn the clock back to when we weighed our best weight, our bodies somehow know to settle at a certain weight. My doctor told me I would be between 144-148 lbs. and I am exactly there fluctuating from time to time! Of course I am 55 and you may be much younger than me. Just keep n keeping on -- I know you should never ever eat and drink at the same time because that can enlarge your stoma. But yes I still fight the good fight for water and staying away from junk. We just have to be thankful we are much smaller and that we are fighting 20 lbs. now instead of more! I hope this gives you some encouragement but just know that you are in good company.
Topic: RE: Sad
I'm trying to find my way around this site. I hear you about your plateau. I am 14mos post op and haven't lost anything in 5 months BUT I am eating way too much junk! It scares me that these old habits keep coming back. It's so much easier to digest a nice carb or even mini candy things over the day than to eat meat! I am not happy with myself. I have lost 130 and want to lose at least 70 more. My right knee is shot, too. I have been avoiding surgery as I am only 50 but have decided that I want to move NOW not when I am 60. Think I'll have it done in April when I get some sick/vac time saved up.
Who else is struggling with their food choices???
Ouch on the torn meniscus! Did you have surgery?
Since July I have dealt with intermittent pain in my stomach area - so intense that my back also aches horribly. It just HURTS so bad.
Seems like the week or so before my period maybe is when this happens the most.
However, the last several days have been torture (and yes, I am calling the surgeon's office tomorrow) -
Even if I eat a BITE or drink an ounce or two of water - it feels like I get horrible BLOCKED GAS pain that stays with me for hours. When it does go away I am just fine. But if I want to eat something I KNOW I am in for it.
What also happens is that after awhile it gets so intense that all of a sudden I have to vomit. And I heave and heave and heave - usually there isn't anything left in there to heave. But the urge to vomit is overwhelming and can't be controlled.
I'm wondering about a blocked 'stoma' even though I'm not sure exactly what that is.
I just wondered if any of you have dealt with this 'blocked' gas' thing - and similar symptoms?
Please don't post to my emai - but to the site here - I forget how to access the email I have set up for me here. And I'm to in pain to try to figure it out today! *smile*
Topic: RE: Goal on Hold - Pregnant!
Congratulations Jeanette! Pregnancy for me has been going very well. I'm 22 weeks + 1 day today. It's going by pretty quickly, but doesn't make it go any faster. I still can't wait!!
I found out I'm having a baby boy. We are going to name him Dawson Royce. I'm slowly getting things ready for his room and trying to stay organized. The ole tale of losing your mind while being pregnant is the truth. I can't tell you how many things I've forgotten and have trouble keeping track of. LOL
I have a hard time keeping up with the OSSG pregnancy group as well, but there is another yahoo group for March Mommies. It's not geared towards those with gastric bypass specificially, but I've learned a ton and found my pregnancy is very normal. You might try that group. It's a busy one as well though.
Feel free to keep in touch with me privately - [email protected] I love to talk with other pregnant moms and would enjoy the exchange of experiences.
Hope everything is going well for each of you!
RNY 5/21/03
Dawson EDD 3/17/05
Topic: RE: Goal on Hold - Pregnant!
Well it must be in the air! I found out in September that I am preggos! I am due May 9th, exactly 2 years after my RNY! Isnt that a real turn of events!
It was a hard decision to make, choosing between having surgery or having another child. I have one son, he's 4 now. I really didn't want this much time between children, but having surgery was the best thing I could do for a new child. I am so much healthier now that I have lost 120#s. I have had one very strange side effect with my morning sickness. It seems to be coming out the other end. I have just entered my 2nd trimester so it has gotten a lot better, but several mornings a week I would get the runs 1/2 way through my morning. Other than that, I have gained a pound and a couple inches.
How is weight management for you all?? Is there a pregnancy message board on this site?? I like the OSSG pregnancy but can't keep up with their activity. Is there any smaller pregnancy boards??
Thanks in advance if you can reply to my questions!
Lap RNY 5-9-03 264/145/ pregnant-due 5/9/05