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Topic: ObesityHelp Magazine is waiting for you!
Our Own Magazine Has Arrived. We've been busy since January putting
together our first copy of our quarterly magazine and it's now available
for ordering. Click here to
order your subscription today. Proceeds from all subscriptions go
to the Association for Morbid Obesity Support. Make the investment in both
our community as well as your ongoing education in WLS. Recipes, hospital
reviews, surgeon scoring, humor, inspiring photos, quality articles, and
much more. All these are waiting to reach your door. Rather than produce
just a newsletter, we went all out and produced a 64 page magazine for
you. Spread the word, ObesityHelp Magazine is available for the

Topic: Surgery Cancelled!!!!
Hello everyone.... I was informed today...May 28th that my surgery for May 29th would
be cancelled because I do not COMPLETELY quit smoking..... I will update later....
Topic: A message from Kim's Mom
I sure hope I am doing this right! My name is Jackie and I am Kim's mom. I just wanted to let everyone know that Kim is doing just wonderful. She had her surgery yesterday(Tuesday) at 9:25 am, she was done by 11:25 am. Everything went well. She was in recovery for about 2 hours. I will let Kim tell you all the details, I do not want to get anything wrong.
I visitied her today(Wednesday) at 8am and she is walking around. Looks wonderful. Is in a little pain. She is still taking pain medication. She has a iv hooked to her. No tubes in her nose or in her stomach. I walked with her and she walks great. She just looks so beautiful!! I am very happy. The nurses are just great to her. Very nice. All of you will have to e-mail Kim for details on all of it.
I also just wanted to let Kim know how much she is loved and cared for by her family. She has been in my prayers for so long. I am very proud of my daughters strength and courage. This is just the beginning for her. I have asked God to take care of her and to let her find the happiness she so richly deserves. I love you Kim for who you are. You are a wonderful, loving beautiful daughter. I want all the happiness for you that you deserve!!
I just wanted all of you to know that Kim so far is doing wonderful. She will look forward to your e-mails and all the support you all give each other.
Thank you all for being there for Kim.
Topic: I'm sooo jealous!!
I can't even get an appointmet to see the surgeon yet! I have to get all sort of test done before I can even she her. I see that a lot folks are counting down the days to their surgery and I wish I was counting down to. I wish every single one of you the very best in luck and a speedy recovery!!
Topic: A New Surgeon
I was supposed to have my surgery on May 16th of this year and the morning I woke up I had a bad chest cold, I called my Dr and explained that I was sick and wanted to reschedule they told me not to worry about the chest cold since i was going to be in the hospital anyway. I was really scared about being put to sleep since I already couldn't breathe. They told me that if I didn't show up that they would not reschedule. So I am back to square one with this. They also will not cancel my preapproval so that I can go to a different Dr. Which means now I have to wait a year until my preapproval expires. Any Ideas????
Topic: RE: Bad News
I am so sorry for you!! It's a tough decision to make, and the wait is even tougher... I'll keep your mom in my prayers and hope that everything turns out okay...
Topic: May 30,2003
Hello.My name is Lori and I live in San Antonio with my husband. I am scheduled for a laposcopic gastric bypass at Vista Hospital in Pasadena Tx on May 30,2003 . I am getting excited and anxious about doing this. I start my liquid diet tomorrow. I have alot of support from work and my friends.
Topic: RE: 28th is the day
Hi Jennifer, mine is tomorrow also. I know that the good Lord is going to protect and keep you in his loving arms. I pray that HE sends many angels to encamp around you while you are in surgery and in recovery. I pray that God guides your surgeons hands with skill and expertise like never before. And I pray that you have an uneventful surgery and recovery and that you'll soon be home on the losing side of life. Wow only a week to prepare. I've been working on my date for almost two years. I didn't go out and get alot right now. I got a jar of whey protein powder and liquid vitamins. God Bless Donna