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Topic: Hi all Post Ops, I have a ????
My surgery was 5/28/2003. I had my 2 week post op visit tuesday. Since then, I have devloped a hard lump about 4 inches long, 3 inches wide right at the incision line right above the belly button. It pulls when I sit up and the tummy is warm to the touch although I am not running a fever. Any similar experiences out there ???
Topic: Hey everyone!!!! 2 weeks ...
Hey everyone!!!! 2 weeks post-op and 19lbs. down. I am felling pretty good. Good luck everybody that has a big day coming up!!
Topic: 15 Days Post OP, feeling crummy
I finally do believe I am going to live. Went for for 2 week post op visit Tuesday and found out that I an hypo-glycemic and anemic. OH Boy more vitimans. In all fairness they did an open gastric bypass, a gallbladder removel and repaired 2 hernia's. I just wish I didnt feel so weak and sluggish. I see postings where people are full of energy and I just don't feel it. My back has been in constant pain since I got home too. At least the Dr. did educate me that they make an adult strength Tylenol.
ok, I cant sit here any longer. Just needed to vent. Thanks
Topic: RE: Bad News
I am so sorry. I will keep your Mother in my prayers. I'm sure things will work out. Keep your head high. Peace & Blessings, Cynthia
Topic: RE: May 28th.
Donna, I had my surgery the same day! Lap RNY, it went extremely well. I'm having some trouble with the protein drink, but have to manage until Tuesday when we get more money, before I can buy any more drinks. Sigh..I am not having any trouble getting liquids down, just the protein. How are you doing?
Topic: RE: ObesityHelp Magazine is waiting for you!
Please add Paypal as a payment option. Some people, namely ME don't carry credit cards. I want the Magazine!!!! :o(
Topic: RE: Bad News
I am so sorry to hear about your mother. You are not alone in having your surgery postponed. My surgery was suppose to be 05/19/03. I came down with walking pneumonia a week before. Now I have to wait till 06/19/03. I know how you are feeling. I was so depressed and felt so uptight. As the days pass you will feel better. Please take care of yourself. Keep yourself busy and the time will fly
Christine Abrams

Topic: RE: ObesityHelp Magazine is waiting for you!
I went to the order form but did not want to put it on a credit card. I went to the download section for mail-in and guess what??? The magazine is NOT listed on the order form. Do we just write it in and mail the form with the money order/check????