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Topic: RE: looking for info....
Yes i would do it again in a heart beat, I had no major complications, Just the throwing up
i just had to learn what i could eat and what not to eat. and to slow down when i eat, but i go back with the same doctor to have a tummy tuck and skin removed from my arms
on the 26th of this month. so yes i would do it again.

Topic: RE: looking for info....
I'd climb back on that table and put my life in my surgeon's hands this very moment again if I had it to do over. Was it/has it always been easy. NOPE! But its SO worth it.
I know you hear about people with complications and yes, there are some that have 'em. But overwhelmingly as I've talked to people who have had surgery - they all pretty much say the same thing. YES!!!
It's SO fun to wear a little green leather jacket today on St. Pat's Day with my size 10 jeans! (I'm 5'10" - 154 pounds!!!!)
Topic: RE: looking for info....
Yes, Deby, I would have this surgery again in a heartbeat. I have not had any of the complications that you can have. I guess that I am very lucky. What made me choose this surgery is that my sister had this surgery before me and she did so well also. I felt that I had nothing to loose, because I have tried everything else and I would loose weight, but then regain it back. I cannot tell you how many times that I have lost 100 lbs. Hopefully, this is the last time I will have to do this. I was very fortunate to have a very skilled surgeon, he is my employer's brother, so he is like family to me. Dr. Mark Nichols is a very skilled surgeon and very caring and compassionate man. I love and respect him so much. I feel that the outcome outweights the risk, especially when you are so grossly overweight that it effects you daily life. I cannot tell you how good I feel now. My life has changed for the better. I had my surgery in May of 2003, so far this has been the longest that I have been able to keep the weight off. I still need to eat right and exercise, but this is a small exchange for how wonderful that I feel now. My health has improved, and I feel that I will live longer having had this procedure.
Good luck to you, I hope your opt to have this surgery.
God Bless,
Topic: looking for info....
I an still in the research phase and could really used peoples input. What I am most interested in right now is what made you choose the type of surgery you had, and if you had it to do over would you make the same choice?

Topic: RE: Doing Great approaching 2 years!!
Hi Lori, I never drink milk and I seem to notice a lot of gas also. There is probably some medical reason for this, I just don't happen to know what it is. I too am feeling fine and lovin the new me, went on a 14 mile run yesterday in preparation for a marathon in April. Maybe the gas will give me a boost with my running

Let me tell you what worked for me without even planning it. I was stuck on the same weight for about 8 months and had to have emergency hemorroid surgery (horrible!!!). When I started using the bathroom and felt like I was going to pass out every time I went, I figure out I had to start eating something that would help the process. I started making my own homemade chicken soups (chicken, vegetables, brown rice, whole wheat noodles and corn is what I make my soups with). I know we had been told to eat protein most of the time, but after a hemorroid surgery, believe me, it was the last thing I wanted to eat. For two weeks I ate the soups, wheat crackers and yogurt and I lost 12 pounds without even trying to lose the weight. I know you can't live on soups alone, but I tell you that it worked for me. So now everytime I fall off the wagon, I go back to my soups. If you want the recipe, just e mail me back.
God bless you,
Topic: RE: Doing Great approaching 2 years!!
Lori, I also have noticed that I have a lot of gas. I drink milk also, I just love a half a glass of milk sometimes. I do eat a lot of milk products and cheese. I will just deal with it too. Other than that, life is great for me too. I am so glad someone else is also having the gas problem. Its not so bad that I cannot live with it.
on 2/12/05 3:02 am - ALLENTOWN, PA
on 2/12/05 3:02 am - ALLENTOWN, PA
Topic: Doing Great approaching 2 years!!
To God be the glory for this wonderful option!! I had Roux-N-Y surgery. I have lately noticed that I'm having a fair amount of gas, but I drink alot of milk, so that could be the culprit. I could stop drinking it for a few days and see if it makes a difference, but I really don't want to stop dairy products, so I'll just deal with it.
Other than that, life is great and I'm looking forward to summer!!!

Deborah: what kind of surgery did you have that you have gained back 15 pounds? Arlene dingwall