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Topic: Finally things are geting back to a semi-norm.........
Sorry I haven't been on here but I just now am getting back to being myself. My surgery went a bit haywire. My pouch popped a stitch and somehow I ended back in surgery. Things got bad enough i became septic and my kidneys and bowels shut down. I'm told they lost me on the table but once i became stable they put me in an induced coma for 3 weeks. this was a freak happening. it was nobody's fault. but God isn't done with me yet so here i am. if you have any questions please feel free to ask. i've been home for 2 weeks now. i spent almost 3 months in the hospital. i've lost 50 lbs so far though!

Topic: RE: Need help with SHAKES!!
I found some new protein shakes that taste good and blend up very well I ordered them on line because you can get sample sizes for $1.50 each. They are called Nectar . The flavors are Berry Cherry, Apple Extaceyy, Carribean Cooler. They are mixed with H2O. They are not very thick. The web site is Hope this helps Lori S.
Topic: RE: 11 weeks and 6 days - update
Hey there Betsy! You are doing GREAT!! I am 11w 4d out and have lost 53# but had a MAJOR setback with strictures where I couldn't eat for almost 3 weeks! Sounds like you are doing everything the right way! I need to get on a consistant exercise plan. I know that and need to keep myself accountable for that! Good luck with the rest of your journey! This will be an exciting next year!
Jeanette =)
264/211 WLS 5-9-03
Topic: Womens status in weight loss
I had my surgery 5/13 so far I have loss 56lbs. I am interested to know how other women are doing. For women who have lost more than I have, what are your secrets? I am exercising daily and I do drink water.
Topic: RE: 12 Weeks and 54 pounds :)
Hi there Felicia! You are doing GREAT!! I don't think you would be considered a slow loser at all! You are losing 4.5#s each week! That is not slow to me! I find that I will slow down and then BOOM I will have a big loss. It's so strange how it works. I will be 12 weeks this Friday and have lost 53# so far. I have some difficulties at times with feeling like it is not enough, but then I think of where I will be in a year even if I continue to lose "slowly!" Great job and keep it up! You will be there soon!
Jeanette =)
264/211 WLS 5-9-03
Topic: 9 weeks and 70 lbs.
I was at 62 lbs. at 7 weeks, it looks as though I hit my first plateau. I unfortunately had not done much walking for 3 weeks. I since have started walking 1.5-2.0 miles per day. I go back in mid August for my 3 month check up, I'm curious to see how much the walking has helped! I go through my closet about every 2 weeks and remove some clothes and re-claim some old ones! The only problem that I have had is that I kept my G-tube for 9 weeks. That was a huge relief to get rid of that thing!
That's it for now, everyone take care.
Topic: 12 Weeks and 54 pounds :)
HI ya'll
Well it has been 12 weeks today since my surgery and I have lost 54 pounds. I am I guess what most consider a slow loser, but I am extreamly happy with my weight loss (mainly because it isn't a weight gain). I hope everyone is having a great week so far

Topic: RE: 8 weeks, 45 pounds!!
Oops! I didn't think it was posting my reply. Boy, was I wrong! Sorry about that.
Topic: RE: 8 weeks, 45 pounds!!
OMG - My husband, Bill Crittenden, lived in St. Joseph, MO for many years - from about 1974 through 1987. He was a chaplain at Heartland Hospital. My W/L is a little slower than yours - 45 lbs in just under 12 weeks, but my starting weight was only 237 (at 5'2" that's alot). It's already becoming frustratingly slow, so I need to look at getting more exercise.
Good luck to you.
Betsy Crittenden
Wilmington, NC