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Topic: RE: gained 7 lbs-3 mos PO HOW?
I hear you. I got on the scale yesterday and I have gained 4 pounds in 1 week??? Puzzling? I am 13 weeks post op (tomorrow) and I have lost 81 pounds so far until yesterday... BOY was that a Shocker. I have researched quite a few Q & A's about this on the web site. Everyone has a different reason... But it is only one week so I am not to worried yet. Just remember to drink your water and eat your protien and exercise.... It has made be watch very closely on what I am eating for Snacks and meals... Don't give up yet...
Topic: RE: gained 7 lbs-3 mos PO HOW?
I have to say that I gained 4 pounds last week and lost it all so far this week... It is because i started working out everyday... I was told by my dr it was due to the fact im building muscle and that weighs more then fat
hope that helps

Topic: RE: Exercising & NOT losing???
Don't get discourged. Your body is constantly changing. The fat could be melting and turning into muscle. Take your measurements.... It's very important for you to see that you may not lose any pounds, but fit into much smaller clothes. This same thing happed to me. I'll go a week or so at a time, and not lose anything after going to the gym 4 times a week, and the next week or two I will drop 5 pounds. Just remember, it's coming off much faster than any diet you've ever tried, and it's gone forever, it's not coming back. Also, now that you are working out, you need to have more protien. My Dr recommends 90 -100 grams if you are working out. Try increasing your protien. Give it time. This is an 18 month process. You are already better off than where you started. Keep your head up and good for you for exercising! You won't regret it!
Topic: RE: gained 7 lbs-3 mos PO HOW?
I feel your pain!! I wish I could help you, but just know that you are not alone. I was down about 55# in 2 1/2 and have just stopped right now. I can't seem to shake a pound! I have started an exercise routine 4 x last week and thought the increased activity would do it. NOPE. Yesterday I had added protein and upped my h20 tons, still no change. I have not gained, but have also not lost at all. I am wondering if there isn't a giant adjustment that our bodies are going through at this time. I also have not seen a change in size for the past month. If I could lose inches and not #s or #s not inches, it would at least feel like it was worth it. Have you contacted your Dr?? I am considering it! I really need help too! The one thing that I keep thinking is that although so many people have had struggles along the way, I have not seen anyone just say "It all stopped coming off and I have not lost another #" And when you see SO many success stories, it's had to believe that the loss can stop! Good luck and keep going in the right direction! It sounds like you are doing everything right!!
264/210 Lap RNY 5-9-03
Topic: gained 7 lbs-3 mos PO HOW?
i was doing great--lost 55 pounds at 2 1/2 months post-op. then suddenly started gaining.. 7 pounds worth in a week! freaking out here.. i have no idea WHY! it won't go away either... i drink plenty of liquids-have to remember to eat most of the time/but make myself eat egg beaters w/cheese every morning--cheese for lunch or cottage cheese w/cantalope-supper=salad w/cheese and mixture of veggies or ckn breast w/green beans and tiny potatoe, or green peas... snack on cheese.. popcorn sometimes.. i can't stand atkins shakes anymore-no matter what i do to them.. what do you folks eat???
Topic: RE: Finally things are geting back to a semi-norm.........
Wow, Becky, glad you're getting back to normal! I also had some problems after surgery, staples didn't hold and I became septic, too, but I think you've been through a whole lot worse than me! I was out of commission between the hospital and recovering at home for about 2 months, but these last couple of weeks have been great. I'm almost back to normal, have a lot more energy than ever, and have even joined a health club -- doing water aerobics 2 to 3 times per week and working with a personal trainer on weights. Hang in there, Becky! You'll be surprised how fast things will start getting better and how good you'll feel!
Topic: Exercising & NOT losing???
Hey everyone!
I started an exercise program a week ago and thought I would see at least a small loss. I have not. The scale still wont budge! What were the affects you all have had when you started exercising? I thought I would just see the #s dropping better than ever, but that is NOT the case. Has anyone else had this happen, and if so, what happened? Did the weight come off eventually? I am getting a bit discouraged but don't want to stop exercising because I LOVE it. I gives me motivation to get my butt in gear when I get home! HELP PLEASE!
Topic: RE: Has Anyone Lost This Slow 33 in 11 wks
This is something I think you should talk with your surgeon about. I have an aunt that had to have a revision done after a year because they thought she had stretched her pouch out. It turned out that her pouch was not stretched, but they found that she had 10 feet of EXTRA small intestine. That means they should have bypassed an additional 10 feet of small intestine.
I would schedule an appointment with the surgeon and talk to him or her about your disatisfaction about the results of the surgery. Ask him if there is anything that can be done to find out if there is something additionally you should be doing to increase your loss. The week before, write down everything you eat, portion sizes, drinks, and exercise including how long you do it. This will bring hard facts to him to show you are following the plan, but not losing. Good luck, and stay motivated. You gotta start losing sooner or later!!!
Topic: Has Anyone Lost This Slow 33 in 11 wks
I know everyone says this but truly I've never heard of anyone loosing as slow as me. At 11 weeks I am only down 33 pounds. I get my protein in, drink all my water, and exercise.
I am extremely discouraged and what makes it worse is my family doesn't understand why Im not loosing more.
Topic: RE: Finally things are geting back to a semi-norm.........
Hi Becky, Saints be praised you are still with us. What a way to lose the 50 pounds though. Do you have any regrets? I am glad to see you back!!! May your recovery now be swift, painless or almost painless, and full of joy!! God Bless!!~~Lise