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Topic: RE: Let's do another role call!
Hello everybody!
I am 7 months out as of tomorrow and 89# down. I still want to lose about 35-45 more pounds, but really feel SOO much better now. I am at the same weight as when I met my hubby when I was in college. I stayed in the 170s all through high school and on and off during college. My body is very used to this weight and I know that it will be more of a hurdle to cross because of that.
I have had to set small goals along the way b/c I like to feel like I am accomplishing goals along the way. My biggest challenge has been to get into the jeans I bought several years ago when I lost a lot of weight and fit into size 15/16 jeans. I keep putting them on, they button even, but are not comfortable. I want to be able to wear them at Christmas or New Years.
It really depends on what I am eating, but I think I can probably get 6 oz in easily. I am not on a regular exercise routine. I just have not devouted my time to it.
Hope everyone else is doing great!!!
Topic: RE: Almost 6 months post-op
We're all going to make it! And do you remember how nervous we were SIX months ago? Yup! I would have hopped off that gurney and escaped down the hall just prior to surgery - had I not been afraid my big bottom would be showing as my gown flapped in the breeze! Whew!~ I'm glad I stayed put!
Topic: RE: 105 pounds down!!!!
*LOL* I hear you on the boobs thing. Oh my goodness. I wear a smaller size bra now - but (gulp) these things that used to be BREASTS are now morphed into something totally NOT human. they are so much loose skin and if I bend over to pick something off the floor - the just slide out of my bra. Not all the way, but enough that if I don't constantly (CONSTANTLY) rearrange them - it looks like I have a little "butt" on the front of my chest. Eww! How attractive is that? NOT MUCH!!
So glad for you and your loss!
Topic: RE: 6 months and 70lbs down
Keep us posted Linda ... I'm not sure what you mean be small stool ... actual SIZE of stool? Or amount of stool? I think I don't have much volume - but hasn't seemed to be a problem. Try the Nioxxin Shampoo/Conditioner. Pricey - but I believe it works.
Topic: RE: 6 months, 12 days aand 120 pounds gone.
Can you believe you have lost that much weight? Wow! 120 pounds! Where does that put you in your journey? Good girl!
Topic: RE: 6 months out - 100 pounds gone!!
Way to go! We were probably on the operating table at the same time!! Hard to believe it's been 6 months, isn't it? YEAH for you!
Topic: RE: 93 lbs and counting
I had surgery on May 27 and am down 85 pounds and that makes me down 97 pounds from where I started during my trek to the operating table and "by cracky" I'm claiming them! So I'm down 97 pounds! I have about 27 left to get to my dr's goal for me! Whoo hoo! We're so cool, aren't we?
Topic: 6 months out - 100 pounds gone!!
Yippee!!! I had figured from my research that I'd lose 100 in 6 months and it's happened!!! I've gone from 343 to 243 (5'7"). I'm in about a 20 skirt adn size XL tops!!! My extreme hair lose has all but stopped and I feel great (outside of my neck needing to be popped)! This is truly a gift from the Lord!!!
Topic: RE: Let's do another role call!
Hey everyone! Well I had surgery on 05-27-03 and now at 6 months post-op I have lost 76lbs.! I went from 284 to 208 and from a size 24 to a size 16-18! I feel alot better and I hope I make it to 199 by the 1st of January! Wish me luck! Good Luck to everyone and Happy Holidays!