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on 12/7/03 10:28 pm - Wilmington, IL
Topic: RE: Let's do another role call!
Hello everybody! I am 7 months out as of tomorrow and 89# down. I still want to lose about 35-45 more pounds, but really feel SOO much better now. I am at the same weight as when I met my hubby when I was in college. I stayed in the 170s all through high school and on and off during college. My body is very used to this weight and I know that it will be more of a hurdle to cross because of that. I have had to set small goals along the way b/c I like to feel like I am accomplishing goals along the way. My biggest challenge has been to get into the jeans I bought several years ago when I lost a lot of weight and fit into size 15/16 jeans. I keep putting them on, they button even, but are not comfortable. I want to be able to wear them at Christmas or New Years. It really depends on what I am eating, but I think I can probably get 6 oz in easily. I am not on a regular exercise routine. I just have not devouted my time to it. Hope everyone else is doing great!!! Jeanette 264/175/130-140??
Allee Z.
on 12/5/03 9:51 am - Eastern, IA
Topic: RE: Almost 6 months post-op
We're all going to make it! And do you remember how nervous we were SIX months ago? Yup! I would have hopped off that gurney and escaped down the hall just prior to surgery - had I not been afraid my big bottom would be showing as my gown flapped in the breeze! Whew!~ I'm glad I stayed put!
Allee Z.
on 12/5/03 9:44 am - Eastern, IA
Topic: RE: 105 pounds down!!!!
*LOL* I hear you on the boobs thing. Oh my goodness. I wear a smaller size bra now - but (gulp) these things that used to be BREASTS are now morphed into something totally NOT human. they are so much loose skin and if I bend over to pick something off the floor - the just slide out of my bra. Not all the way, but enough that if I don't constantly (CONSTANTLY) rearrange them - it looks like I have a little "butt" on the front of my chest. Eww! How attractive is that? NOT MUCH!! So glad for you and your loss!
Allee Z.
on 12/5/03 9:41 am - Eastern, IA
Topic: RE: 6 months and 70lbs down
Keep us posted Linda ... I'm not sure what you mean be small stool ... actual SIZE of stool? Or amount of stool? I think I don't have much volume - but hasn't seemed to be a problem. Try the Nioxxin Shampoo/Conditioner. Pricey - but I believe it works.
Allee Z.
on 12/5/03 9:40 am - Eastern, IA
Topic: RE: 6 months, 12 days aand 120 pounds gone.
Can you believe you have lost that much weight? Wow! 120 pounds! Where does that put you in your journey? Good girl!
Allee Z.
on 12/5/03 9:39 am - Eastern, IA
Topic: RE: 6 months out - 100 pounds gone!!
Way to go! We were probably on the operating table at the same time!! Hard to believe it's been 6 months, isn't it? YEAH for you!
Allee Z.
on 12/5/03 9:37 am - Eastern, IA
Topic: RE: 93 lbs and counting
I had surgery on May 27 and am down 85 pounds and that makes me down 97 pounds from where I started during my trek to the operating table and "by cracky" I'm claiming them! So I'm down 97 pounds! I have about 27 left to get to my dr's goal for me! Whoo hoo! We're so cool, aren't we?
Lori F
on 12/4/03 10:11 pm
Topic: 6 months out - 100 pounds gone!!
Yippee!!! I had figured from my research that I'd lose 100 in 6 months and it's happened!!! I've gone from 343 to 243 (5'7"). I'm in about a 20 skirt adn size XL tops!!! My extreme hair lose has all but stopped and I feel great (outside of my neck needing to be popped)! This is truly a gift from the Lord!!!
Jessica G.
on 12/4/03 2:22 pm - Springfield, IL
Topic: 6 months, 12 days aand 120 pounds gone.
I had the surgery. Thus far I've lost 120 pounds.
Mindy B.
on 12/3/03 1:53 pm - McKinney, TX
Topic: RE: Let's do another role call!
Hey everyone! Well I had surgery on 05-27-03 and now at 6 months post-op I have lost 76lbs.! I went from 284 to 208 and from a size 24 to a size 16-18! I feel alot better and I hope I make it to 199 by the 1st of January! Wish me luck! Good Luck to everyone and Happy Holidays!
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