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Okay, I am REALLY late with my check in! It has been almost 3 years 4 months since I have had surgery.
On my 15 month anniversary I weighed 143# and got pregnant, due on my 2 year anniversary. I had preterm labor and HELLP syndrome (NOT related to WLS) and my healthy 6#2oz baby boy was born on April 21st. A week after having my son I was down 4# from my lowest weight, but I blame that on the water pills I had to take. I nursed for 4 1/2 months and maintained my lowest weight, 143, even a few months after I stopped nursing.
More recently I have gained 20# and am currently trying to "Deal with it!" I have stopped working, and have more time, so am interested in joining a gym if they will provide care for my 15 month old. I have not had any reconstructive surgery although the need is definitely there. I am in a size 14, but was a 12 when I was at my lowest weight. I have been invited to be a bridesmaid in a wedding in February so I have a motivating factor for losing the 20# I have gained, and becoming more fit.
Please email me with any questions or comments!
Topic: RE: worried
Hi Lori,
You said it all in your e-mail! You know what you have to do. Exercise, and eat more prtein so you stay full longer!! Think about how hard you worked to lose the weight you have lost so far. It is SO NOT worth it to lose track now, what's 20 more pounds!!?!?!? Stay motivated and go take a walk tonight!

hello Everyone,
Sorry it has taken me so long to reply but I don't get to this site often enough. I had my surgery 3yrs ago on May 23, 2003. I lost 100lbs. Went from 265 to 165. The last summer was my hardesttime I gained 20lbs but have since lost it. People can't believe when they tell them I gained, they say I thought you didn't have to worry about your weight anymore. Needless to say they don't know that are weight is still a struggle and will always be. No we didnt take the easy way out!
HI All,
I'm posting a late roll call. I had my bypass in May 2003, I lost around 99 pounds. Went from 350 to 251. I too after the first year gained about 15 pounds back. Thinking ok they said this would happen. I was able to maintain this weight for another 6months. I then changed jobs and my life and weight as I knew it change too. For the worst!!!! I was working and traveling on this job too many hours. Eating the wrong foods and not get proper sleep or exercise.
Well I gained back a total of 44 pounds and I really feeling bad about myself. I revisited my doctor and he had a upper gi done on me. He said the results show my pouch has not grown since the surgery. That was the good news!! THe bad news is There's nothing he could do. He said that i was doing what is known as grazing. I just ate the wrong food too often. He said it will be hard for me to lose again, but i will have to do it via changing my eating habits and exercising. Boy I hope he's right!!
He said drink protein shakes wont have the same effect as it did after the surgery and I might feel hungry if i try do it.
Not sure what to do but I want to get my wait down again!!
Any suggestion would be great.
Angelo in LA
Wow....I can't believe its been 3 years ago that I had WLS (5/6,2003)....Its been an amazing journey.... I lost 120lbs and feel absolutely wonderful....
I have gained 10 lbs back but I am working on getting those back off.
I haven't had any reconstructive surgery.....however I would love to, but my insurance will not cover it.....however I'm doing quit well without it.
I work at a fitness center here in my little town and I enjoy it ... I didn't think I would ever say I enjoy exercising but I do....and like you say it does help keep me accountable.
I am a carb-aholic so I try not to have carbs in the house.... and I have to be careful about grazing all day long.... that head hunger is mighty powerful....
I feel so blessed to have the weight loss tool that I have.... It is abolutely a wonderful new beginning to life.... and I will never go back to the way I was before at 309lbs. Congratulations to all of you on your weight loss journeys..... We truely are the lucky ones!!

Hello Everyone,
I had my surgery on 05/15/03... 3 years ago yesterday... I lost 185 lbs... Although I will have to admit I have gain about 20 lbs back... I am well aware of it and will not let myself gain anymore... I am very happy at my current weight! Wouldn't change anything and would do it all over again... I just had a tummy tuck about 8 weeks ago... Still recovering from that... (Not sure if I would do that again) Took a lot longer to recover from a Tummy Tuck then WLS... go figure? Hope everyone else is still hanging in there.... Would love to hear some more updates from others? Where are you all? Great job Caroline... Way to go!
Hello Postop friends!
I had my bypass 5/13. I have lost/maintained 121lbs. I have had 2 rounds of plastic surgery and have recovered well. Insurance never did pay a dime, but it was worth the expense. I would love to attend the conference but I work in college health and that is such a bad week for us. Best of luck with your presentation and continued good health!
Hi everyone
Just thought I'd post a roll call for all of us now approaching 3 years postop!
I had my gastric bypass surgery May 2, 2003. Lost the great majority of my 225 lbs in my first 17 months out and have since beein maintaining. I had 3 rounds of resonstructive plastic surgery from Jan to April 05 (and am still recovering - ugh) through my weight's contuied to remain more or less stable.
In December 05, I started working at Bally Total Fitness in King of Prussia, PA as a personal trainer. I only work part time but so far am really enjoying the work. It helps to keep me accountable!
Hope this finds everyone well and sending lots of hugs to all!!!!
PS: anyone attending the OH conference in Pittsburgh, PA May 12th through 14th? I'll be presenting there and so hope to meet lots and lots of people there!!!!!!!

Topic: RE: anybody have VBG????
Hi Amanda, Believe me, I know how frustrated you are. My VBG was also May of 2003 and I've only lost 64 pounds. I was down 84 pounds and gained 20 back. I'm trying to stay within the 500 calories/50 grams of protein set by the doctor, but some days no matter how hard I try, I just can't do it. I've started back to Curves two weeks ago and I feel as though I've come down some (clothes are a little baggier). I was thinking about having a revision, but the company I work for no longer pays for ANYTHING that has to do with obesity. So I'm giving the VBG everything I have. Hang in there we aren't alone.
Topic: New mb for one year plus grads
Hi everyone! I thought I'd let you know there is a new mb that has been created just for people who have had wls more than one year ago.