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Topic: RE: no weight loss
Thanks for the replys and glad I am not the only one going through this its just so frustrating at times.I too will be done with school(school bus driver) and I am planning on workin my butt off this whole summer too get some more off I pray that I do.
good luck to you both
Topic: So ironic.
My one year anniversary is this Sunday. I have lost all my excess weight and in fact I was told by my Doctor yesterday that I need to put on a few pounds. I can't believe I have struggled with my weight all my life and now I need to gain a few pounds. I am so scared about gaining weight because I know how it feels to be fat. I know it is a mental thing, but I am still afraid. Has anyone else every had this problem? Please help me.

Topic: RE: no weight loss
I can relate! I'm coming up on my 1 year in two weeks and have not moved in weight loss since March. I've maintained, but stuck between 208 - 210. Depending on if Dear AF is here.
A lady in our group just had her plastic surgery and she lost another 15lbs in her thighs, 10lbs in her abdomen and 10lbs between her arms. Theres our final weightloss. I wonder if we aren't where we should be - if we didn't have to carry around some of this extra.
Still toning to be done, I know. But I'm looking to have a baby and so I figure after I stretch my tummy all out, then I'll have plastic surgery.
Chin up. We've done good!
RNY 5/21/03
Dr.Caruanna, Buffalo, NY

Topic: RE: One year down, a lifetime to go!
I also have seen a dramatic slowdown. Between Feb-March 9 I lost 11# which was the most I have lost since the very beginning, then March-April was nothing, now April-May was 3#s. I am with you on wanting just a little more. I have 13 more until my BMI is in the "Normal" range. I would love to lose more, but I would be just fine with that!
Good luck and stay active!
Lap RNY 5-9-03 264/149/136
Topic: One year down, a lifetime to go!
Well, May 7 marked my one year anniverary. I am down from 402 lbs to 230 lbs this morning. My check up is tomorrow and I look forward to finding out about TT. I am a bit concerned because I have not been losing any weight in the last few months except for a pound here and there. Because of complications during surgery, I never had the bypass done, just the stomach reduction and I am wondering if this is as good as it will get. I am not complaining by any means since I can now do everything I couldn't do for years. I went horsebackriding
for my birthday, I am going camping for my vacation. I am riding a bike and walking everywhere. This surgery has changed my life, I just hope I can lose another 50 lbs before I come to a complete standstill. Did anyone else have similiar cir****tances?...I am curious...Thanks

Topic: 1 year down, a lifetime to go!
Hey everybody!
I know we will have a lot of posts like this this month, but I just have to say how thrilled I am to look at the future of my life from this side of this year. I am SO happy with the progress I have made in the last 365 days. This surgery has really changed my life. The one thing I wanted as a result of the surgery is to be healthy and not have to focus my every moment on food as I had for every diet I was on and also feel starved each night. Now, I make healthy decisions about what I want to eat,
(protein first!) and am very seldom am hungry. This is what "normal" people feel like, I am sure! I have lost 115# starting at 264, now weighing 149. I would like to make it to 136 to have a BMI in the "normal" range. I also have gone from a size 26 pants, 3xl tops to a size-12 pants, M-L tops. WOW what a difference!
Just thought I would share my joy with all my OH Friends!
Jeanette =)
Topic: RE: no weight loss
Hi Helen!
I was 1 year PO yesterday and am coming up with the same problems you are. Last month I did not lose a pound, and had actually gained like 2 pounds through the month. This month I lost 3 pounds which is the smallest I have lost aside from the month when I lost nothing. I wonder if the weather has something to do with it, I know I retain H2O when it is warmer, and because we are further out, closer to our goal I know it is supposed to be harder. I have 13 more to go to have a BMI in the "Normal" range, and would love to lose 20 more to put me within my surgeon's goal, in the 120's. I hope with the warm weather and the end of school for me for the summer, I can get more active and peel off the last of what I want to lose. For both our sakes, I sure hope this is not the end of the loss for us!
Lap RNY 5-9-03 264/149/136
Topic: RE: Help for my spouse.
My spouse is having a very hard time - especially because we've had
to be apart (job changes) the whole year since the surgery. Each time
I see him I'm a lot smaller and he says I look awful - too thin - doesn't
recognize me ( I went from 290 to 130 in one year - because of some
complications for 6 months)- He loved me large and loved my breasts -
now they are flat as pancakes and he can't adjust. It's been a real
problem and we started couples therapy and individual therapy -
we've been married for 30 years. he gained a lot of weight over the
past 10 yrs and we were always fat together - I lost 120 lbs on
overeaters 20 yrs ago - and he did not have this response then - he
was also not as overweight as he is now. he admits to being jealous
and frightened that I will be attractive to others and become
attracted to someone else - but also says I "just don't look right".
The only thing that helps me work through this is that those who never
knew me at 290 - think I was always thin - and think I look slender and
healthy. To be pointed out as "the skinny lady on the row machine"
in my exercise group is a completely new experience - I know that I'm
healthier - so I try to gently keep reminding him that the "me" has
not changed - just the outside (and who could be attracted to all those
hanging folds? )
Therapy is helping us. Hope you can work it through with your spouse.
Topic: RE: Gas (farting) problems...?
I can add my name to the list of farters - very embarrassing - since I teach
and let loose during lectures - unable to stop myself - when I'm walking on
campus I sound like I accompany myself with drums - most of the time
I try to move away from small groups of people - or get down-wind of myself
With family and friends I just tell them to get ready.
Doesn't seem to matter what I eat - I fart all day - can't stop myself -
I'm post menopausal and that may add to the problem - had a granny who
walked and farted in her later years - maybe genetic?
I'm a nurse and the advice to try an antacid at night sounded good - I'm going
to give it a try. My other solution for the foul smells of my feces is to
carry a matchbook with me all the time - After defecating I strike a
a match and the odor is immediately eliminated - I do this in my office
too - when someone knocks on the door and I've just let a good one
go - works on my incontinent dogs too. :0)
Topic: RE: Eating Changes
I'm new to the web site - Anniversary date May 12th - a year since surgery.
I had three endosccopic balloon procedures and was unable to eat much for
6 months after the surgery - then had food aversions for another 3 months
I lost a LOT of weight fast - 290 to 130 in 12 months - but lots of
nutritional problems came with that weight loss. I thought I would
never want to eat - BUT - now, a year later - old habits and cravings have returned
I can eat sugar - and that is really depressing me - not white sugar - but in the
form of grapes and fruits - crave them now like I used to crave
cakes. Also - thought I would never be able to eat a whole cup - 8 oz
but have no problem now eating a Weigh****cher meal - the whole thing and
grapes after - except for the occasional discomfort when I reach
the overload point and want to throw up - and sometimes do.
I'm a nurse and have not yet had any dumping syndrome side effects -
I am very anxious that this food tolerance is going to start putting the
weight on again - I know several people *****gained about 20 pounds once
they started eating again. Trying to balance my caloric increase with