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Topic: RE: FIGHTING OFF CALORIES ... Dawn -So Barri help?
It is my understanding that after a period of time -9-18 months- the mal-absorbtion is gone. Every body reacts differantly. Every body adjusts to the your calorie intake, exercise and lifestyle.
Topic: Thank God for Gastric By-Pass Surgery!
My one year anniversary was 5/21/04. I thank God every day for having this surgery! The other day I was in Wal-mart waiting in a short line to return something at the service counter. The lady in front of me was about the same size I was when I went in for surgery. She was in one of those motorized handicapped scooters they have for their customers to use. The lady at the counter asked her how she was and she replied that she was in pain, but that was an every day thing for her. I almost cried because that was me just one year ago. I had a handicapped tag for my car window and walked with a cane, which still did not help. I was taking some of the strongest painkillers available. Even that did not help my pain enough to help me walk due to my arthritis and degenerative disk disease in my spine and the arthritis in my knees. I went as few places as I could. Today, after losing 161 pounds, I can climb stairs, bend, walk and move like anyone else. I no longer need my handicapped tag. I still have some pain, but I will for the rest of my life. However, it is nowhere near what it was and I no longer take heavy painkillers. If you are thinking about having this surgery, do it if you can. It will change your life.....Cathy
Topic: 1 year ago in San Diego
What a time I had. No, I wasnt part of the 95% who are out of the hospital in 3 days, I was in for 2 months with complications, and sometimes thought I would not get home at all. But here I am, down 95 pounds, and very grateful for the surgery. I have a friend at work who badly needs the surgery and was considering it until she saw what I went through. Its sad, she limps around in knee pain and wont even conisder how much the surgery would help her!. Anyway, Thank you Dr. Tananka, Dr. Mary, the nurses at Scripps-Mercy, Staci O for the amazing support while I was stuck there all alone (I live in N. CA), and Thank You God for this surgery.

Topic: 1 Year Anniversary 5/29/04 Gary Dodson -Pacific Bariatric San Diego
It's been one year and my life has changed.I have lost 144 pounds since surgery.One week after surgery I walked 5 miles with no pain.Five months after surgery I was climbing telephone poles after returning to the telecommunications field.I run 6 miles a day ,go to the gym 4 times a week and feel great.I consider my surgery a gift and give thanks to Dr.Lawrence Tanaka and the staff at Pacific Bariatric for providing me with excellent care.Prior to my surgery I was a school bus driver with a yearly income of $31,000.My decision have the surgery has allowed me to get back on track.Currently I am a technical operations supervisor and manage a crew of 26 technicians and have doubled my annual income.I climbed 40 poles last Sunday and felt great.Life is good.Miracles can happen if you have faith and the courage to take the first step.Take it from me it's worth it!!!
Topic: My 1 year WLS UPDATE
Hello all,
Well we all if we had our surgery in May should be 1 year post-op and I enjoy reading everyone experience no matter what surgery we had we are on this journey for the same reason to be healthier thinner people.
I am proud to say 1 year ago I was wheeled into an operating room confident I was doing the right thing but unsure of what exactly my results would be , And this past year has been one of the best years of my life. I was blessed with no major complications and my weight loss has been great I am not at my all time goal but very Happy where I am.
I have lost 122lbs gone from a size 22-24 to a size 10-12 more a 12 but can wear some 10's and that is my all time goal to where a solid size 10 jeans. Went shopping last Friday and was a 12 in all brands except a couple 10's. So I can not say I am at goal yet but very close and I am still losing weight but it has slowed down.
I would do surgery again in a heartbeat. My year has been filled with alot of refound Joys like being able to sit in any chair I want and not have to worry about fitting in it, I actually like to see my reflection and my over all confidence has sky rocketed I feel Great about how I look and I overall just feel great physically and emotionally.
This is a wonderful journey and I am hoping to continue with my success for the rest my life. God had blessed me ubundantly!!!
Kelly -122lbs
Topic: 1 year ago....
Hi everyone!
I changed email accounts and lost eveyone's addresses! I'm doing great. I'm down 120# from last year. My life has changed so drastically for the better...better looking, better feeling, better marriage, better mother, daughter, sister, get the picture.. I'll be updating my picture soon. How's everyone?
Kelly McClelland
Memphis, TN
Topic: RE: Weight ups and downs
I weigh myself morning and evening when I think about it. I dont sweat the 2lbs that go up and down.
From my surgeon he said RnY usually has about 18months of loss then you kinda have the tool more there as the back up and you have the driver seat on weight loss! I have noticed the last month or two im 12months out this month..that I have slowed to about 4lbs or less a month weight loss! How you will tell is if you stay at one weight for more than a month its considered a true Plateau... and after 3-4months you will find it harder to lose weight without more effort! This won't be true for DS and Banders.. just RnY from what I understand.
If I wasn't finished with my weight loss NOTHING would stop me from continuing to monitor calories and go for goal even if I was past the 18month period. That just means that its harder ... but its not impossible. Go for the goal and dont give up! Time is on our side forever!

Topic: RE: May 5th scared and snappy to everyone around me!
Dr Babineau in Tyler Tx told a friend of mine while she was in the hospital that for the first 6 months she could have a blood clot so she needed to walk alot to keep the blood circulating... not sure about the leak but think thats only a few weeks or days at most usually but the blood clot issue is longer.
Best wishes!