looking for info....
Yes, Deby, I would have this surgery again in a heartbeat. I have not had any of the complications that you can have. I guess that I am very lucky. What made me choose this surgery is that my sister had this surgery before me and she did so well also. I felt that I had nothing to loose, because I have tried everything else and I would loose weight, but then regain it back. I cannot tell you how many times that I have lost 100 lbs. Hopefully, this is the last time I will have to do this. I was very fortunate to have a very skilled surgeon, he is my employer's brother, so he is like family to me. Dr. Mark Nichols is a very skilled surgeon and very caring and compassionate man. I love and respect him so much. I feel that the outcome outweights the risk, especially when you are so grossly overweight that it effects you daily life. I cannot tell you how good I feel now. My life has changed for the better. I had my surgery in May of 2003, so far this has been the longest that I have been able to keep the weight off. I still need to eat right and exercise, but this is a small exchange for how wonderful that I feel now. My health has improved, and I feel that I will live longer having had this procedure.
Good luck to you, I hope your opt to have this surgery.
God Bless,
I'd climb back on that table and put my life in my surgeon's hands this very moment again if I had it to do over. Was it/has it always been easy. NOPE! But its SO worth it.
I know you hear about people with complications and yes, there are some that have 'em. But overwhelmingly as I've talked to people who have had surgery - they all pretty much say the same thing. YES!!!
It's SO fun to wear a little green leather jacket today on St. Pat's Day with my size 10 jeans! (I'm 5'10" - 154 pounds!!!!)
Yes i would do it again in a heart beat, I had no major complications, Just the throwing up
i just had to learn what i could eat and what not to eat. and to slow down when i eat, but i go back with the same doctor to have a tummy tuck and skin removed from my arms
on the 26th of this month. so yes i would do it again.

Like all surgeries there are risks but this surgery was well worth it and not only have I recommended it to others but I also would do it again. I have tried all kinds of diets but never lost the weight I wanted to. This journey is not a easy journey but with support and determination it will be a rewarding journey. The only complication that I had was I got a abdomen hernia and they had to fix it. That surgery and recovery process was far worse then the Rouyen surgery.Unfortunately I was denired for any type of plastic surgery so I have to work extra hard to try and firm up.