?? Partial Bowel Obstruction
Has anyone had a fast onset of abdominal pain/bloating/constipation onset? I had this recently which sent me to the emergency room. I was treated and released after getting a nice dose of morphine, a bag and half of IV fluid, xrays,blood work. The doctor never did come back in and see me, but the nurse who did the discharge stated the x-rays showed I was constipated with dehydration, and to follow up with my doctor. Sent me home with pain meds, and a laxative powder to mix up and drink.
I contacted my RNY surgeon in Charleston and he is having me go to my gastroenterologist locally for a CT scan to rule out partiale bowel obstruction.
I was wondering if anyone has had this type of pain or problem. Any advise, Ya'all??
RNY 5-13-2003
Wgt. 230 - currently 134.5

Hi Lisa
Not to sound silly, but did you have anything with sugar alcohol prior to the onset of the pain? I dump terribly with sugar alcohol, plus I get all the gastrointestinal upset as well.
I've also dealt with MAJOR constipation since early out and those symptoms sound familiar... Let us know what your surgeon says and I'll be keeping you in my thoughts!
367/157/160 (or 140 AFTER PS)

Hi Caroline!
I can't remember taking in anything with the sugar alcohol prior to the pain event, but I have in the past, and I too, got intestinal discomfort but mainly a lot of gas, etc.
The constipation issue seems to be a recurring problem though.
To bring folks up to date...I did have CT Scan. It was done more than a week out from my major painful incident...so it showed normal with no bowel obstruction. I figured it would as I had already taken magnesium citrate and a few other laxative products which had cleared my blocked area. That spot is still quite sore to push on, but at least I'm going to the bathroom! The scan did show mild hydronephrosis of the right kidney and ureter, but no stones or obstruction were noted.
Thanks for your input and response!
Take care,
Open RNY 5-13-2003
hello. i had a bowel obstruction back in march, and went to the er... it was the most intense pain i have ever felt! they did a ct scan, and xray, and the xray where you drink the thick chalky stuff and i mean 3 quarts of this crap... anyways, i had vomiting with my symptoms, and i couldn't poop... at all, not even after they gave me a ton of laxatives. just more pain... and they discovered after allllllllll the test, and a day later, i needed emergency surgery and they reopened my scar, and removed more bowels.
on another note, a close friend of mine, who had the same surgery, had a kink in her intestines about 5-6 weeks after hernia/tummy tuck. she had the same symptoms and ended up in the hospital, but they put this suction thing in her nose down into her stomach??? to help unkink it, and it worked! how weird, no surgery for her??? maybe you had a kink and it unkinked?
Hi, In May of this year I was having a great deal of pain and bloating,
it would let up after about 6hours and would go away for a few days,
then come back. Finally, I gave up and went to the emergency room
and found out it was obstruction in the pancreas. They couldn't go
down through with the scope to undo it because of the surgery so I
had to be opened up. Might have them check it out.
Surgery 5-28-2003
Wgt. 223.5 - currently 122