May 5th scared and snappy to everyone around me!
Hi there! Well when I feel good about surgery I read something makes me scared of death. The blood clots but esp a leak. I am very very short with all the people I come in contact with. Its aweful and I am trying not to. I feel that im very short tempered and scared silly about not having a success story. I have told myself to stay in positive mind set so this can go smooth from start to followup in one year. I really do think positive thinking is best but I have to admit that is not my mind set and that worrys me. How long out can you get leaks or clots? Help!

Hi, I know how you feel, I was so scared before surgery, that when they took me in , I had to wait a extra 2 hrs.,cause they had a lady a head of me that was taking some time. Any way, I changed my mind, almost got up and left, but the nurse must of heard me and gave me something to relax me, and relax me I was. The nice thing I know was I was in my room and them telling me I was okay. Now it was'nt a hop skip and a jump for at least 2 weeks. But believe me, it was all worth it. I went back to work exactly 1 month. I am sometimes missing my sweets, but then I just look at my new clothes and it is worth every stapel that they put in me. good luck and make sure you write back, do alot of walking and no problem with blod clots. Bye Rosie
Dr Babineau in Tyler Tx told a friend of mine while she was in the hospital that for the first 6 months she could have a blood clot so she needed to walk alot to keep the blood circulating... not sure about the leak but think thats only a few weeks or days at most usually but the blood clot issue is longer.
Best wishes!