FIGHTING OFF CALORIES ... Dawn -So Barri help?
Dawn you replied to someone that you were eating about 1200 calories daily, exercising off 300 and with the bypass your body should be seeing about 600 calories a day.
I have been asking and asking - and no one knows ... so I will ask you now!
Where did you get the info that indicated to you that out of 1200 calories your bypass would be eliminating (malabsorbing) aprox 1/4 of the calories?
I was bypassed 75cm and I just don't see how it is helping me at all. Seems I am fighting off every single calorie that goes into my mouth.
Hi Allee
I'm not Dawn, obviousely, LOL, but my guess is that you are right on the money with the idea that the bypass isn't making much difference in terms of calorie absorption. Even with 150 cm bypassed, my bypass doesn't seem to make a difference in the calories I absorb. (figured by a year's worth of charting calories in and out and projecting my weight loss, my weight is exactly where I expected it to be (see my profile at and then the target/actual weight chart towards the beginning of my profile).
Hope this helps!