I need Imput - Please!
Hello everyone! First of all I want to thank everyone who keeps coming back to this web page. It sure helps us that rely on it for help and suggestions. I had my surgery last April 30th and have lost 108lbs up untill last Nov. Thank God!!! However, the holidays have kicked my butt! or I should say I have! December I began having some mild premenopauseal symptoms and one of my symptoms was "hunger". I was craving fruit (tg!) very bad! By March my body was literally starving and I had no clue what I was going through. I finally went to the doctor because I started to slip into a deep depression so I got going on estrogen cream which has taken away the hunger and cravings (thank God!!!) During this 3 month bout of stretching my pouch out I managed to gain about 12 lbs which now I have lost. (thank God again!!!) I just can not believe that it took me so long to see. I also am seeing a therapist/counsler now. Through all this I have realized that I have alot of "stuff" from my past that I have stayed fat at. I just wanted to know if anybody else has experiance the overeating, mental masterbation and the feeling of hopelessness. (Thank God feelings arent facts!!!) : )
God's Blessings to you and Happy Easter!
Bege (does this picture make me look like I have bad teeth?!)

I have started becoming hongry very easy lately..tummy rumbles and such... its a trial to not gorge on things I crave. I dunno if its a women thing or just the tummy finally waking up from the honeymoon period.. 6 months. It started right after my 6 month period so I think its honeymoon is over time. I haven't been depressed just worry about overeating tho I haven't done it yet.
You pic doesn't look bad...the teeth. LOL and Happy Monday dear Bege...hope you continue the battle.. its a war and we do have special tools but its still a daily war for us. Weigh to go on that weight loss.... keep on keeping on!
deb 260/149/140 Revision
Hey there Bege,
I have had the worst time this past month and a half with eating. I am a teacher and the worst thing for me was Spring Break. I swear that the entire 10 days off I was filling myself up some way or another. I actually got sick (threw up) after grazing all day long with a friend over, then trying to eat dinner with my family. Now that I am back to school I am better. I really go in phases where I will not be hungry at all, even miss a meal and not notice, then the next week or month I can't stop thinking about food! I have to admit that I am bummed about not losing a pound in the last month and a half, but I am not really depressed. I have been a bit more irratiable lately, but I think I am fighting a cold too and not feeling up to my normal self.
I hope you start feeling better about everything! Your 1 year anniversary date if coming up soon! Do something special for yourself like a massage, or manicure to pamper yourself in a non-food kinda way to celebrate!
Lap RNY 5-9-03 264/150/132
Does drinking water or no-low calorie drinks help with the hunger pangs? Overeating is not a major problem for me, but I truly still feel that my pouch is a fragile little "baby" that I don't want to injure, and that helps.
My overweight was also caused by a lot of "stuff" from my past that God had healed before I had the surgery, so I'm not really dealing with depression, but I encourage you to continue with your healing proccess, even if it hurts sometimes.
Keep up the hard work and Lord Bless you!
343/213/healthy & content

Bege - you are not alone. I did not become morbidly obese because I like hamburgers instead of salad. I became morbidly obese because I have an eating disorder. Unfortunately, there is no eating disorder by pass. Yes, I binge still. As much as my stomach will alllow. Yes, I am working on what makes me binge and how to find healthy alternatives. Way easier said than done. Now add in hormonal changes - and yes, you have a struggle.
Work on whats eating you. Keep up with the therapy. You fixed the symptoms, now work on the cause.
One day at a time.