someone please help!!!
I have not lost any weight for about 2 months, what's wrong?
I had my surgery May 28th 2003, weighing in at 285 and now, March 29,2004 I am weighing 217. what am I doing wrong (or right)?
PLEASE someone help me!!!! I am driving myself crazy.
I notice everyone is losing sooooooooooo much weight and I can't !! maybe someone can offer their daily menu. anything will be greatly appreciated!! thanks, candi R
I have no words of wisdom as I have been messin with the same 3-4 pounds for the past 3 months. It is horrible. Just hang in there--maybe try to eat totally different foods than you have been-that is said to kind of shock your system a little bit.
Good luck to you-
I will be 1 yr post-op on May 5!
Candi, I had my surgery on May 28th too. Also like you I have almost stopped losing. I have been up and down from 149 to 151 (started at 268) since Feb. I haven't done much of anything different that I can pinpoint. I would like to lose another 20lbs. but I remember my surgeon telling me in the beginning that I would probably get down to about 150. I wonder how they figure that. Just keep looking ahead and you will get there. Don't give up your dream of being the size you want to be!!!!
Kathy, thank you for your advice....your e-mail made me feel alittle better about my weight loss(or no weight lost) I was glad to hear that you have done so good!! you lost over 100 lbs!!
I would give just about anything to kick start my losing again.....I am making myself sick over it!! I am giving it a few more weeks and then I plan on going to the doctor to see what he says about it.....let me know how you come along with your loss. and again thanks sooooooo much for your words of encouragement!!! god bless you, candi
Hi Candi. I too am stalled. I get less then 1200 calories a day and I exercise atleast 300 calories off each day. Then when you factor in the bypass it means my body is seeing about 600 calories a day. You'd think with that calorie level your body would be losing weight but it's not true for me. I get in all my water and protein every day so that can't be what's wrong. I thought maybe my body was in starvation mode so I stepped up the calories for a week. That didn't work either. I guess it's just a fact of life. Not sure how long it will last but it sure is getting old. Hope you have better luck then me in breaking this cycle.
Hi Candi,
I will be a yr post op 5/17/04. I too was at a plateau at 167 after starting at 256. I went to Las Vegas and did tons of walking 2 wks ago and that seemed to jump start me. I can now say i lost 100 lbs as i am now down to 156 on my home scale. I think i needed to up the walking.
Good luck...Kathy Y
Here is what I am doing. I have lost 193 lbs since 5/22/03.
I drink a protein drink in the morning. Then water. Lunch is a small salad and some type of protein or a scrambled egg. Protein drink in the afternoon. More water. Some type of dinner. Chili or a salad. Water as needed. I sound like a plant
I do try and walk through the day.

I have a gf like you that hasn't lost much and we had our surgery the same day.... she used Dr. Naaman as I did. They are talking a revision cause she's now regaining and feels like the tool isn't working...
my suggestion is... go to and log in and see just what your eating... keep under 1200-1300 calories and you should lose may take awhile but like aother poster I mixed up my meals some with new foods and started losing some.... heck ONE day I went pig nuts and I lost 2lbs the next day so...shake up the diet some...
If you are not eating over 1300 calories which would allow the normal 130lb person to maintain weight .... you will lose. If you are weighing 217lbs now it means to maintain your present weight you would need to consume 2,170 calories a day...and you know you aren't doing that so you will lose.... check what your eating.... and go from there...
good luck,
deb 260/149/140 Revision
My only advice is that if you maintain your calorie intake, your body will learn to metabolize to that intake...You can't just cut calories or shake up a diet, you should also be exercising. You would be surprised how much cardio exercise (20 minutes on a bike @ a target heart rate) will do for your weight loss. Also, I think it is important to remember tha****er is key...When I stagnated for about two months I found that it was because I was drinking diet pop. You wouldn't believe how bad that stuff is for you...Finally, for mental piece of mind, don't fixate on your weight...If you need a way to measure progress and keeping weight isn't mentally healthy for you try keeping track of clothing sizes or other measurements...I am one year on 5/15/04 and have lost 130 lbs, but I did have a period where I was certain I had stopped and when I least expected, I started losign again. During that time, I was still losing inches, so obviously I was holding the weight differently than I used too and still went down two pant sizes. Good luck!