Gas (farting) problems...?
Hello everyone,
No way to tip toe around this subject so i am just going to air this one out... (no pun intended) I am 10 months Post Op. I am experiencing terrable gas problems... No matter what I eat.. I am farting all the time.. Some are not so bad but others can clear a warehouse..! Does anyone have this problem... Is it ok to take "beano" or "Gas-X" every day...
your eating carbs... i have major gas problems when i eat carbs, and none at all when i am "no carbing"- i don't think i would take gas-x everyday... and watch your beans!
cut back on em'. i love beans too... specially chili, which my nutritionist has taken away from me :o( too high in carbs right now... she said once in awhile only, until i reach my goal... which is about 50 more pounds.

Hi Jeffrey,
I have had similar problems, (maybe not as bad...but then, I'm a girl and would never admit to it
). I take tagamet (or the store brand equivalent) at night before bed and it seems to help with the gas. My theory is that gas is actually a by-product of stomach acid. If you take tagamet, it works to eliminate the manufacture of stomach acid, which results in less by-product. Good luck!

Hi Jeffrey,
Yes! This can be a problem. I take DEVROM. It is an internal deoderant. I bought it online. You should ask your doctor about it. It does help, but not all the time. I do notice if I stay away from "empty" carbs and fats, also my diet pepsi; that it isn't bad then. Good Luck to you. You may try to eliminate things from your diet one at a time to see what percipitates the problem with you.
Open RNY 5/28/03
Hey Jeffrey...I can sympathize, I have had similar problems. Beano makes me feel sick so I don't know that I would recommend that and Gas X doesn't do much...My suggestion is to really look at the sugar in what you are eating since that is what causes the "room clearing gas"...I have also found that if I just take a day and do only water and pure protein (chicken, shrimp, fish) without any trimmings or sides that it decreases problems with gas...Good luck to you. I can also offer that my mother still have this problem and she is 3 years post op.
I can add my name to the list of farters - very embarrassing - since I teach
and let loose during lectures - unable to stop myself - when I'm walking on
campus I sound like I accompany myself with drums - most of the time
I try to move away from small groups of people - or get down-wind of myself
With family and friends I just tell them to get ready.
Doesn't seem to matter what I eat - I fart all day - can't stop myself -
I'm post menopausal and that may add to the problem - had a granny who
walked and farted in her later years - maybe genetic?
I'm a nurse and the advice to try an antacid at night sounded good - I'm going
to give it a try. My other solution for the foul smells of my feces is to
carry a matchbook with me all the time - After defecating I strike a
a match and the odor is immediately eliminated - I do this in my office
too - when someone knocks on the door and I've just let a good one
go - works on my incontinent dogs too. :0)