9 months Post-Op...coming up on my 1 year rebirthday!
Hello all.....I hope all is well. Well May is coming up for all of us. I can't beleive that is going to be a year already. I have lost 105 lbs and have gone from 225 to 118. I now feel "NORMAL" and that is the best feeling. Although I did have some problems, I am still very happy and can honestly say I would do this all over again.
I am here to help anyone who needs it....please just let me know....we are all our own family here....so I am here for anyone!
Take care and God Bless you all...
Love your friend who is a "looser"......Kim Gregory

Congratulations! to us both! I''ve gone from 295 on 5-14-03 to 162 today. Feeling good, sometimes a bit fragile, other times full of energy. Doing all the "right" things.. it's been an amazing journey to renewal. I too am feeling normal for the 1st time..ever. Don't know how I got so lucky to be on this side of it, God only knows what is ahead for us but I'm sure feeling blessed. stay well, lulu
Good for you Congrats! I wish I could say the same...I have been very unfortunate though in my weight loss...I have been stuck at a platu for the past two months...nothin seems to be moving....I eat the same with no change...what am I doing wrong or is it my body not wanting to accept the change? I had my surgery 5/2/03 and my weight is 186 from a begining weight of 254 and size 24 pants to a size 16-14 pants. What is you food comsumption? maybe I am eating too many of the wrong things...Please let me know...Thanks...
I, too, had my surgery on 05-02-03 (with many complications). However, I started at 335 and am currently at 193. That's over 140 pounds! I saw my surgeon at 9 months postop and he already considers me a success by his definition. He expects people to lose 1/3 of their weight, which was his goal of 110 pounds. Well, I'm happy to say that I'm past that!
I would also do this surgery over again - and that is no small statement coming from me (see my profile for my painful beginning to my journey). I feel so much better than I've felt in a long, long time. I'm more confident and definitely in much better moods (well, most of the time).
I feel some days that my weight is staying the same. I've started weighing and measuring on the 2nd of each month, so that I have a clear path of my losses. This helps me so much with my mental attitude. I've thought that I've been on plateaus, but, in reality, I've been losing both weight and inches each month - just becoming more slow now. I'm trying to appreciate the days/weeks that the scale doesn't move. I think it is my body readjusting so that it can lose weight again. I also hope this helps my skin from sagging so much so fast.
I've noticed that I can now eat much more. Food has been a challenge from the beginning, so that is pretty freaky to me and pretty darn scary. I use fitday.com now to help me with watching caloric intake and protein intake. I've been on a salad binge for the past month or so. I often eat salad three times a day - I put many protein items on it, with not much lettuce and not much dressing. Yum! I also exercise almost every day - aerobics or walking or stationery bike - or sometimes a combo of all 3.
I hope that everyone is enjoying their journey and taking responsibility for their actions. I concentrate on the responsibility factor - I know this is where my weight gains came from - denial, denial, denial. Now, when I put something not so good into my mouth, I post it on fitday - no excuses, no ignoring it! I don't need to shout it to the world, but I must own what I eat. I'm not preaching to anyone but myself!!! It helps me when I write it out.
Good luck to all of you out there. I just passed my 10 month anniversary and look forward to my year anniversary. More importantly, I look forward to being able to work in the garden without feeling like I'm going to pass out. Yeah for spring and summer!!!!! ~ Jodie 335/193/??(157?)