How much can you eat?
I am 7 1/2 months post-op and I am frightened by how much I can eat. I have been using the rules of the pouch to try to control food volume but it isn't always easy. My doctor was going to do a barium test but he decided that there couldn't be a problem as I had alreadly lost 100 pounds at 7 months. I like to eat until I feel slightly full but that is just too much food to continue to lose weight. I'm trying to eat more veggies to fill the void. I can eat about a cup and a half of food in one sitting. I am scared. Anyone else having this problem?
I'm 9 months out and in the last week or so I've noticed a significant increase in how much food I can eat. At this point I'm not concerned about it because my portions are still considerably less than "normal" and I don't mind if my losing slows down a bit. I was actually a bit nervous about the fact that I've been eating so little for 9 months so this is a welcome change.
I may get flamed here but......... I am mostly watching my calorie intake. I try to limit the carbs but they are my love and I shall enjoy a taste when I want. Just not in a large amount. Some things I have banned from my life.. French Fries.. due to my obsession. But crackers and chips and salsa I do endulge in. Now about the size... Since having a stricture till 4 months I think my tummy is still pretty small. I have no fear I have stretched the tummy. I can't even keep chili down usually STILL... but yesterday was a good day.... here's what I had.
For lunch at school yesterday I ate 1 chicken strip.. about equal to 1 1/2 chicken nuggets at Mc Donalds but this was at school.. I had about 3 bites of green beans.. 4 bites of (small) mashed gravy mashed potatoes and almost 1/2 biscuit. This was about the most I have ever eaten at one time and it stayed down. I wont go over this limit.
I stopped before I was full. I hate throwing up at school. I try not to drink with my meals. Thats what I ate. Very slowly and well chewed.
deb 260/160/140
revision May 28, 2003

I am finding it easier to eat more ... but mostly its because of poor choices I am CHOOSING to make. I eat every meal (nearly every meal) from a 4 ounce ramekin. I got several of these at Walmart. I know I am rounding it up sometimes and I probably get 5 ounces easily.
What I find myself doing (I don't dump, get sick or nuthin' on NUTHIN' ... good and bad there!) is eating MORE often. NOT GOOD. And the last two days I'm a sugar fiend. I wish I could have some type of 'governing device' even if it WAS being sick as a dog! *LOL*
I am trying VERY hard to not eat bigger portions than what I have mentioned, because I do NOT want to stretch my tummy out. But I am finding that often I am eating MORE OFTEN. So instead of 3 small 4 ounce meals - I might eat 4-5 of them a day.
One thing I have found that I am LOVING is some Quaker oatmeal - a packet makes exactly 1/2 cup. It is the Raisin,Date,Nut kind. I hate milk, so I just eat it like it is and YUMMY. I bought some flaxseed today and am going to add a spoonful of that to my oatmeal each day and see if that helps me feel better or anything. I guess it has lots of fiber in it.
I've lost right at 100 pounds since surgery - 5/27/2003 and have about 15-20 to get to my goal of 148. I'm 5'10" -- that is my doctor's goal.