May 15th, 2003: My Rebirth Day!!
To date, I've lost 92 lbs...down from 254 to 162lbs. I FINALLY feel NORMAL. My goal isn't to be thin, but normal! But perhaps I will even be thin someday! I consider that a plus
My life is so much more worries about airplane seats, movie theater seats, booths in restaurants, weight limits on carnival rides, etc. etc. etc.!!!

May 15th is my New Life day also...! I am down from 406 to 255 lbs... My goal was 250 but I think I will be trying for a bit more... Yes I hear you on all that seat stuff...? Going out to eat, the movies, can't wait to go to Disney World and go on every ride they have...! Maybe it is just me but do you some times still think you are large and not going to be able to fit in the seats... I went out to eat the other day and I was still worried about fitting into the booth? I fit no problem but... Just had that feeling still in my brain...???? Weird...?