Julie Julie
1/25/04 It has been 8 months since I had my surgery. I have lost 87 pounds so far and I'm down from a size 24 to a 14. I feel great! I thought I would never again feel this good. I have so much energy, I'm able to do all the things I wanted to do for so long. My doctor was Dr. Troy Lamar and I thing he did a magnificent job. Although, at my last visit, I did get a scolding for not taking my vitamins daily. I have to keep in mind that it is very important for this type of surgery.

your post could be identical to mine. i'm down 89 lbs. and i'm feeling great as well. isn't this surgery the bomb? hehe i love my new found body and i'm working hard on getting it in it's best shape possible. although i haven't been good in taking my vitamins or actigall (i still have my gallbladder). but today is a new day and i'm back on track.
continued success to you and all my fellow "losers" hehe.