Plastics Anyone?
So what do you think of plastics? what kind do you want if you could and how will you pay for it? Personally I'll try for insurance... then if that doesn't work... will save up and go to some medical school and have them do some cheaper... that way if insurance won't foot the bill. I do have a hernia. I know the TT and breasts is the first wish for.... arms and thighs will probably be my responsiblity tho. What about anyone else??
When I first went into "this" ... I thought I'll just be happy with losing weight! Little did I know that I would look just like an old balloon that all the air has slowly crept out of.
I probably won't ever be able to do anything about it, but IF I could - I'd have my face done (so the world will THINK I'm youthful!), and I'll have my boobies put back on my chest (no more wearing them around my waste), I'd have the saggy stomach cut away. The elephant 'behind' that is really my upper thighs will have to be stretched UP and tacked into place! I thought "bat wings" was the figment of some of the WLS folk's imagination ... well, I've been "imagining" the same thing with my upper arms. And of course I can't see it so good, but I suspect the old rumpus is hanging a might lower than it should.
Yup ... lots of work to do. No money to work with and I don't think I'm 'bad enough' that I'll get rashes or anything so insurance will probably scoff if I ask. So - I think I'm gonna live the rest of my life as a prune.
What is they say about women starting to wear purple when they get older? Pruney will fit right in with that someday!
Yep, I felt the same as Allee. In the beginning I thought... If I can just lose the weight I won't worry myself with anything else... but now I'm thinking that If I can get insurance to cover... I'll consider it.
I'm feeling like a deflated balloon too. LOL
I would only be interested in TT and breast... but definitely the breasts... these poor balloons have seen better days.
Gosh, what all that extra weight does to a body is unbelievable.
I'm getting tummy tuck and breasts done. I'm scheduled for May and hope to be able to keep that date. I will be self-pay so I will be arranging a bank loan just as I did for WLS. My rationale is that if I would be buying a new car right about now anyway. Instead, I'm using that money to create a whole new life for myself. After all, I spend an hour or so each day in my car but 24 hours a day in my body and I want my body to look like how I feel.
I'm going back to Mexico for my plastics. I had WLS by Dr. Aguirre in Ensenada and he recommended Dr. Gongora at the Genesis Clinic in Rosarita Beach, MX. I'll go for a consult in March and will know more then about total cost and all that I can have done. My focus is tummy tuck and breast lift. If I can afford thighs too, I'll go for it. If not, I'll just hope that by pulling up skin for the TT, it will do enough that I'll be happy in shorts.

Please consider sharing here about how much they charge in Mexico... I have thought of using medical schools in Houston .. someone mentioned that Dallas... has reduced rates.... I dunno but right now I'll try the insurance game first.... let us know about mexico tho please.. *hugs* the cost and such..
deb 260/160/140
revision May 28, 2003

I'm in Iowa and when I went to my surgeon last month - his nurse was saying "when you have your plastics" (like she KNEW I was going to! ha!)
But they have a surgeon there who cuts you at your bikini line ALL THE WAY AROUND (my first stupid thought was "what if your legs all off" ... duh!)
Anyway, then they pull it all up and down and cut off the extra and sew "your legs back on" ... she said it takes care of the tummy, buttocks upper thighs ...
But she said it was WAY painful and took about 6 months to feel good again, but that people look FANTASTIC that have had that.
I was squeamish about open RNY - and was glad to have had the lap. I don't know if I could do something like that ... I wish there was something you could just put in your bathwater - and take a long soak. The longer you soaked the tighter your skin would shrink.
Yeah, that's the ticket! Incredible shrinking skin potion!