hair loss, slowing down

on 11/3/03 6:02 pm - TWISP, WA
I had exactly 110 pounds to go. Feel pretty good, lost 70 but it has slowed down. Try and drink water, but only get about 29 ounces a day. Protein and carbs are about the same. I eat about 8 ounces a meal and snack 3 times. only lost 5 pounds in two months. Is that normal, worried I am eating too much during the day. How much should you be eating now, surgery was 5-20. Also, hair is coming out alot. Not too worried about that yet, doc did say it would slow down when I reach goal. Any info would be helpful, thanks, Suzi
beth C.
on 11/4/03 7:41 am - clinton, ct
we seem to be in the same boat. i have lost about 75 lbs but i have a lot more to go. i eat about the same i think (hard to judge) but, i get in a lot of water. i do not know if this is right or wrong. sorry i couldn't be of more help. beth
on 11/21/03 2:37 am - Collegeville, PA
Hi Suzi You need to increase your water for sure. It is said that we need to be doing at least 64 oz of liquid per day. If you don't like water, then add in some Crystal Light, Propel, decaf coffee/tea, etc. In terms of how much I am eating at 6 months postop, I eat about 4 oz to 6 oz per meal - 3 meals per day, and if I get hungry between meals I will have 2 small, high protein snacks such as 1 oz of non-fat cheese or beef jerky. Also vitamins are vital. Hope this helps, Caroline
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