Just need to share my feelings...
Hi, What a neat page this is! Just discovered this section. I have to share how happy I am with my weight loss so far. I had my WLS on May 23rd and have gone from 289 to 175 now. It will be 5 months on the 23rd of October! Thats 114 pounds lost. Didn't come with out a price however. I developed a common bile duct blockage and have had quite a time with that problem. Specialists say it was due to rapid weight loss and radical diet change. Still I have no regrets. I would just like to get back to my real life and feel good for a consistent period of time. I still have lots of ups and downs physically - good and bad days. And have had to take off work again. I seem to have settled into a good routine with eating, but it is hard to keep up with exercise and activty with on-going medical issues. I have struggled with depression, but can't take meds for that due to other medical issues. Still, many medical problems have been resolved since WLS. It is such a treat to see my size go down, feel bones I never knew were there! I have gone from a 3x and alot of mens clothing to being able to buy nice close in consignment and good will stores! Now I wear a 12 and think I will soon see size 10. Sizes I have never remembered wearing in my life! I worry about being able to keep up with these good eating habits, but it feels so good to be loosing and having success that hopefully that will help in the long run!