Womens status in weight loss
Hi Lori!
I had my surgery on 5/16 and have lost 59 lbs. so far. You and I are on the same track. I don't think there are any secrets to this, just different body types, metabolisms, and degrees of obesity. Those people who have more to lose will lose somewhat faster at least in the beginning. It sounds to me like you are doing great!! Remember, it has not even been three months yet! Hope you are feeling well. Take care.
Terry Swan
Hi Lori,
I started my journey on 5/27 at 5'10" and 306 lbs. I am currently (by my scale) at 265. Making my 9 week after surgery weight loss 41 lbs.
I still have problems drinking water (20 - 40 oz daily), I still have problems getting in enough protein (30 - 40 oz) and forget to take my vitamins. The only exercise I get is walking to and from the bus and work (2 - 3 blocks).
Well all I had my surgery May 1st I started at 287 i am now down to 214.5 so im down 72.5lbs as of my scale last friday the 25th.... I walk 30 mins a day at lunch then when i go home at night i ride my bike for 5 to 10 miles a day i take every sat and sun off of walking but ride everyday but sun. I also make sure to eat my required meals a day i eat a yogurt and 1 slice of toast for breakfast everyday... then i have graham sticks for a snack. then half a sandwich for lunch (that takes about an hour and a half) then i have teddy grams for another snack and a dinner that varies however always 1 oz of meat (i hate meat) all i do is make sure to get at least half of what they require in per required meals no matter how long it takes me to eat it.... Just remember to take it one day at a time i had some complications and was re hospitalized 2 times however all is ok now

Well here I am feelin like not much of a loser! I am 12 weeks out tmw, lap rny on 5-9-03 starting at 264 the am of surgery and am hovering at 211 with a loss of 53# and holding for the past 2 weeks. I get most of my h2o in and focus on eating protein protein protein. I have not touched much in the lines of sugar as I dumped a couple times on bread and things like that, so the dumping is keeping me clean. I start a fitness program tomorrow, and was walking M-Th at least 1/2 mile each day. Not much luck with protein shakes or suppliments. I continue to try though! I wish we could say exactly how the weight was going to come off for each of us but that is the mystery! I really need to increase exercise and protein, those are the key things, by what I have learned! Good luck and I hope this helps!
Hi, I had my surgery 5/29/03 and started out weighing around 360-364. I just got out of hospital again on 6/25/03 after being in for 4 days because of the bacterial skin infection cellulitis. It was nasty. I could not eat nor drink, not even water, so I was even dehydrated. Thanks to the IV's I gained weight. Just what I did not need. So, I am working to get that off now. My weight loss had been at a standstill, but before the infection, I was starting to finally be passed the bad back spasms and able to walk farther. Then the celluliti**** Now, I am trying to regain my strength and fighting the back pain again. This too shall pass!! I weighed in today at 321.1. My scales are always 3 pounds lower than my surgeons, but I figure that is because of my clodhopper sandals and the clothes I wear!! Hey, I have to give myself a fighting chance here!! LOL...I refuse to give up and I refuse to grow up. It is what keeps me going. I am 52, and I have been given a new lease on life, I am newly single(legally) and I am going to live life to it's fullest pain, Miss Priss Grouchy Pouchy and all. She can argue with me all she wants, I will still argue back with her. It makes life interesting. Besides, I am learning how full to fill her. What an adventure this is!! I am now no longer regretting what I have done. Pain and all. I know it can only get better. And my troubles are NOTHING compared to what others have gone thru. God has truely blessed me abundantly!! And I am forever grateful! And thanks to Dr. Timothy Bailey and St. Mary's Hospital and staff in Decatur, IL, I am still here today. Remember, we all lose at the pace our body wants us to lose at.
I had my lap roux-n-y on 5/21/03. As of last Tuesday, (almost 3 months to the day postop) I had lost 50 1/2 lbs since my surgery, and a total of 63 lbs from my high weight of 301 1/2. I walk 3 miles a day, 5 days a week. I still have trouble getting in all my protein, but am trying really hard. Water is getting better. I find I drink more when I mix up some crystal light and sip that all day. Best of luck to you!
Try not looking at the lbs. everyone has a different amount in total to loose and will loose at a different rate at first. Remember a 200 lb person loosing 10 lbs has lost 5% of their weight, While a 100 lb person has lost 10%.
My surgery was 05/06/03 and I have hit 65 lbs or to me 50% of my excess weight. My goal is 110 I started at 240.
Muscle weighs more than fat if you are excercising you wont loose lbs.
ASK YOURSELF, HOW DO I FEEL? I recently thought I was loosing too much too fast my Dr. did all the necessary tests and although I am loosing fast I'm the healthiest I been in years.
Just like in school don't measure your sucess by other people. You are a unique person and as long as you follow your plan you will loose uniquely.
Good luck