Bad News
My surgery date is on MAy 30th 2003, just 3 days away and my mom had a Heart Attack today. She was sapposed to Fly up here from Florida on wenesday and well we just don't think she will be well enough to do that, so it looks as though i may have to postpone my surgery ={ and only God knows how long from now that will be.
I am so sorry to hear about your mom, I'm sure it is not easy for you having to maybe postpone your surgery. But one must do what is God's will. I will put your mom in prayer and may God continue to bless you and your family through all of this. Things have a way of working themselves out for one reason or another, But one must always go by God's will and not of our own. Keep us informed if you do reschedule...Keep the faith..
I am so sorry to hear about your mother. You are not alone in having your surgery postponed. My surgery was suppose to be 05/19/03. I came down with walking pneumonia a week before. Now I have to wait till 06/19/03. I know how you are feeling. I was so depressed and felt so uptight. As the days pass you will feel better. Please take care of yourself. Keep yourself busy and the time will fly
Christine Abrams