Just curious
Is it normal for a man to want to have this done.I am 6'2" and about 385lbs and 30 yrs old. I finally have a job with great benefits(blue cross select) and need to get my life together so i can be around for my kids and fiance for a long time. I just dont know how to get started i have to get a pcp i know but not sure what my process will be from that point on and would like to do the wls so i can become a healthier and more energetic person.Thank you guys for being out there to help.
sure why not. Every one male and female want to be healthy and feel better. I say go for it. My surgery is on the 27th. I am 35 and looking forward to every moment of my new body. Just think how your kids will feel with a dad who can play and run around with them without being out of breath. Pray and ask God to lead you. That is what I did and the answer was go for it. Good luck Holly
Hi William
Yes, ABSOLUTELY! There are MANY men who've had the surgery in my in-person support group through my surgeon's office. I'd say 60% are women and 40% are men from the group. You are lucky in that men tend to lose MUCH faster than women and tend to retain more muscle with their loss. As for getting started, I would suggest checking the listings here on ObesityHelp.com for surgeons in your area. Then start calling them and find out who accepts your insurance. Having a PCP also certainly helps. You can also check out one of the many online support groups through YahooGroups such as Gastric_Bypass_Family at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gastric_bypass_family .
Wishing you lots of success in your journey!