VSG Tomorrow! April 25th

on 4/24/13 1:38 pm - WA
VSG on 04/25/13 with


I've been a "big guy" my whole life zipping past 250 while in college sometime and have never been back.  Finished college at about 280 and soon after getting married, vaulted over 300 to a top weight of 335.  Lost about 55lbs over 6 years ago but slowly put it all back.  It's amazing how much different 300+ feels when you're over 40 compared to 30ish.  I've always been an active guy and pretty athletic but the last 5-7 years, it all went away as it became much more difficult to do more than walk.  I long for playing softball, skiing, football with the guys, etc.  Heck, just  a nice hike with my camera sounds so good but they are out of the question.

This past year, i really jumped going from 305ish to up over 320 and I decided that was enough.  I have a great job and great benefits so I started the process and got myself approved.  I'm thoroughly ready to completely change my life.  Over the past 2 months, I've dropped 25 lbs on my own to get a jump start but the last week living under 700 calories i saw a good inch come off the waist.  I'm seeing this can really be a reality.

Doctor says with my body type, 200 will be about my low and he says I wouldn't be happy under it which i tend to agree with.  I graduated HS at 225 and was in pretty decent shape then so it adds up.  But still, 100 more lbs off?  I can't imagine how I'm going to feel but I am so ready to find out.

Well, that's about it.  I wanted to share my "story" albeit briefly.  I'm looking forward to sharing more in the coming weeks/months.  I know it won't be easy but I am thoroughly up to the challenge.


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