RNY Surgery Date is April 15th!

Kim B.
on 4/6/13 1:32 am - worthington, OH
RNY on 04/15/13

I'm about 1 week away!  Still waiting for something to go wrong, and or them to cancel it.  Does anyone want to be support buddies?  I'd love to have friends with dates near mine.  Especially RNY surgeries!


on 4/11/13 12:12 am

Me, too!!!! I'm worrying but, excited. Scared but happy! The whole gambit!!!

I'm scheduled for the 15th as well, at 11am in Toronto, also an RNY.  I'm not terribly fluent on these boards so, don't know how to message outside of a public forum?  I am a self proclaimed computer buffoon!

Here, it's a wet, snowy morning with yet another shake to choke back....you?


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